Character Homes & Heritage Homes

by : Jake Marsh

With a revitalization of turn of the century and older homes, has come a number of concerns regarding the integrity of these older homes and the health concerns that are synonymous with older building materials. The increasing popularity of character homes has almost created a market unto itself. Heritage homes are selling for more and more money as buyers see the endless possibilities in renovating and restoring these beautiful homes. Be prepared if you decide to purchase such a home that there may be some things you will need to do to get the home into pristine condition if it has not been renovated recently.

The first thing that you want to do with an older home is to ensure that the home itself is on solid footing. This means having the foundation inspected. What you are going to want to be looking for in a foundation inspection is signs of deterioration and water damage. Deterioration can cause long-term problems because as the foundation deteriorates the home settles onto a base that is not stable. Water damage on the other hand, especially in the foundation can cause mold. The foundation of a home is dark and moist, a perfect breeding area for mold. It is absolutely imperative that the home's foundation is watertight.

Another important thing to check for in old homes is the presence of lead. Lead was extensively utilized in older homes in both piping for plumbing and in paints. As anyone now knows lead can be quite harmful if it is in our immediate environment. Another major concern in old buildings is the presence of asbestos. This material was used extensively in construction as a fire retardant and has been proven to be extremely harmful. If asbestos is present in a home it should be the highest priority to get rid of it. Take note that a special contractor who is licensed specifically for working with asbestos is required to remove this material.

Always be sure when purchasing an older home to have it inspected thoroughly and completely. Be sure that your investment is safe by today's standards before you make the purchase.