by :
Ivan Liu
Putting the status-symbol jewelries at backseat, costume jewelries are capturing the market with briskness. Costume necklace, a vehement part of the fashion world, has gathered prominence on the neckline of today's stylish women. Trendy costume necklace gleaming with uniqueness in design and style nurse within them the potential to foster the existing benevolence in the woman who can value the necklace she is wearing. Inexpensive materials that mold in the skilled hands of keen craftsmen can become 'her' better half, if not her best friend, as precious diamond is. Necklaces with sparkling stones and metals are preferred by most of the women during a social gathering or when they are dining out with someone special. Otherwise light and trendy costume necklace with small stud earrings can complete her looks and attire. Beads of multiple colors, bones, horns, shells, polished glass, wood, sequins and metal are some of the common materials used for making costume necklaces that are remarkably cheaper and yet look awesome when adorned with compatible outfits. Costume choker necklace and costume designer necklaces are equally in demand with the conventional costume necklaces. The demand for costume necklaces coupled with other fashionable jewelries compelled most of the jewelry shops to keep in store sumptuous collections of these items of various denominations. In fact their adherence to quality is also drawing new customers towards costume necklace.
Multicolored beads, when bunched together in a row, form an intrinsic part of the unique collections of costume necklace. Metals, bearing an antique look, when studded with semi-precious stones and hung from multiple chains of beads offer a royal message to disperse to the spectators. Shells colored in black, pink and cyan bears the ethnic look that you have been searching since a long time. Stones and glasses of various colors, if combined together in one single thread, can create the magical feel of sanity, which is somewhere hidden deep within every one of us. Green beads of different shapes and sizes, when bunched together in three chains with a shell of similar color hanging as pendant swaying your thoughts into the marine beach, will keep haunting you every moment you take a glance at this costume necklace. Simple chain necklaces with glass beads can look amazing if you prefer outfits of silk and chiffon. A bouquet of gorgeous glass beads of reasonable length presented in a wavy manner can go well with the dresses with low cut necks.
Necklace made of colored Venetian glass beads offer that unparallel magic which is absent even in most of the precious jewelries.
The touchy colors of these splendid ornaments are special, as they will never wilt with time. You can put them on as chokers as well as fashionable costume necklace. Silver foiled glass necklace dangles with pleasure when you put it on with a shimmering outfit. Working women of today, at their workplaces, prefer simple costume necklaces along with light earrings that gel well with it. However a working woman looking for a little style can try out the flashy and flickering glass and ceramic costume necklaces to leverage the secret formula working within her that makes her beautiful. During winters when you put on sweaters concealing the beautiful outfits inside, you often feel incomplete as the space for a beautiful costume necklace is lacking somewhere. Peach disc ceramic necklaces can enhance your look in a better way hence making you one in millions. Four layer beaded chain necklace of about 20 inch in length can amazingly glorify the woman adorning it. Oxidized metal jewelry gains the same amount of recognition as that of the other costume jewelries. The oxidized metal necklaces can speak the language of modernity that was left untold long back. The judicious selection of each of these items can make you look amazingly stunning.
The choice of such exquisitely crafted yet economically presented necklaces can tell a lot about your tastes and creativity. They also bear the style statement of the present day world where beauty of jewelry is measured with creativity and not with its price. Stone-like ceramic necklaces are preferably hand glazed and carry with it a bold look dipped in eternal beauty. Clover, charm, painted and candy blue necklaces are gorgeous for adorning at special occasions. Standard chains with fine wood works on them are just perfect to complement an ethnic wear. A costume necklace enameled in black with glistering colors can suit the party dress. A long chain forming the most lustrous looks can be an excellent attire for women who posses the intellect to carry it. Costume necklaces are available at almost all types of jewelry and fashion accessory shops. Of course those who prefer to sell only precious items are away from the economical costume jewelries, but there are people more interested in wearing fashionable yet cheaper attires. To cater to this section of fashion enthusiast consumer's online shops like Vivace jewelry is always there at your service.
Costume necklaces had been predominating in the jewelry market in the 1930's. It was the time when women started to become more conscious about the glamour, but to afford costly gems and jewels were next to impossible for them. Mostly stones like, crystals or cubic zirconia are used for making costume necklace and other jewelry. These are now considered to be perfect attires for social occasions like wedding, party, traveling and even as office wears. The jewelers who have so far concentrated in creating great fashion accessories of precious metals and stones are now engaging themselves in making some of the exclusive items that are both inexpensive and worthy in terms of designs and craftsmanship. The cocktail of color and essence that these costume necklaces carry most of the time disperse the message of love, conviction and dedication. It is also so easy ordering any of these fashionable costume necklaces online. They are shipped to your home free of cost by most of the suppliers of these jewelries. Right from the teens up to the aged, any one can earn the praise of people by dressing oneself in designer costume jewelry or the simple costume jewelry. So next time when you select the accessories according to the dress that you put on, be serious about what you choose as these costume necklaces can sport on your neck to give that perfect look you always hunt for.