Gas Saving Products - are They Real?

by : khalid r mustaffa

Every driver around the world has had their wallets feeling lighter and lighter as we all witness the dramatic increase in gas prices. To the producers of the so called "Gas Saving" additives saw this as a golden opportunity to load up their bank accounts. By all means, I am not saying that the additive issue is a complete myth; however, you should educate yourself, and think twice before investing a dime into an additive.

It is in human nature to fall for fancy, scientifically sounding marketing campaigns, but beware, and do not allow advertisers blind you by science. Think rationally, not emotionally. Hence, research lead to a conclusion that FTC (Federal Trade Commission) in warning consumers of any gas-saving claims for oil and gas additives. It has been concluded that even those additives that do indeed save gas, the savings rarely pays for the price of the bottle.

If you were to search the internet for such products, you are about to encounter awakening statements, those that advertise for quote on quote breakthrough the chemical and physical properties of gasoline. You are about to read testimonials stating overall savings of anywhere between 12 to 25 percent. Something that a lot of consumer don't think of is that, industry leaders, that dedicate billions of dollars annually for research and development do not claim to have such products" why is it, every amazing product made by names never heard of?"

On an ending note, I would like to mention that the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) has yet to find a product that improves gas mileage notably. The EPA has evaluated over a hundred products that claim to be gas savers, and the results proved otherwise.
This is only the first of a series of articles dedicated to educating the consumers on gas additives. Hence, those that really protect your engine and others that hurt the engine.
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