Boxing Training Secrets for Fast Fat Loss

by : Rob Pilger

How do boxers burn fat so fast?
what lessons can the regular person take from their training that works quickly?

  • People train on cardio equipment, and their body's still look the same months later! This is because they train for a long time with very casual intensities. They only raise their cortisol levels while preserving body fat. 
  • People who perform a boxing workout get lean from the intense anaerobic way they train. Boxers fight and train in rounds lasting from 2 minutes to 3 minutes in duration. The training done for that duration is generally at a higher intensity. The training equipment also demands you get lean by the way the bags have to be worked.

  • To maximally work and move the heavy bag in the right manner burns more calories and takes more effort to do. Your body then takes the lean shape from the aftermath of this demand of it to put forth the work. Same thing for the punch mitts when used correctly your whole body is moving and working and in a more anaerobic and intense manner than aerobic training.
  • Since boxing workouts are predominantly anaerobic, as a boxer train with lots of intervals, their metabolic rates naturally increases. Unlike the aerobic way people train where they only burn calories for the duration of the aerobic activity or training. With anaerobic interval work your metabolic rate is increased for hours even after training is complete as you obviously know.
  • Many times people who cross train or want to learn boxing for self defense are amazed at how sore they are in different areas of their body from the workout. They are waking and working muscles that have been dormant for some time in a intense manner.

How does boxers get lean for fights in terms of nutrition?

  • Stop eating garbage food
    Start with getting rid of the processed boxed, package, frozen packaged, canned foods. I have them stop eating sugary cereals, soda, sugary juices, white breads, refined carbs, margarine, just garbage food period! This goes along way with improving performance, vitality, and weight loss obviously.
  • Eat real whole foods.
    Foods that actually have a life source and will deliver nutrients and vitality to them.
  • Dont skip breakfast. Or if they do have it, the typical sugar water called orange juice with a pop tart doesn't do it. I have them eat a better breakfast and make sure their dinner isn't the biggest meal of the day as their stomachs would suggest if it is.

    My point is, typically people skip breakfast, eat a rather large lunch, and when they get home have a feast for dinner. That's insane if you want to drop weight and get lean!
  • Don't eat less meals.
    Eat more meals frequently with less food for weight loss. Their blood sugar levels are more balanced and their moods and energy levels are far more enhanced by eating more frequently, like 5-6 times per day if possible. I also have them drink half their body weight in ounces of water per day. I have them consume fish oils at their meals.

What methods of strength training do you prefer? Do you use free weights or a lot of body weight exercises?

RP: Strength training methods will depend on the persons training age, background, weaknesses, needs, goals, and were we are from a fight.

So I have a lot of tools in the tool box I can use depending on the above scenarios. Usually I begin with body weight movements. I totally agree with what Alwyn Cosgrove says, 'If we cannot stabilize and move our own body weight, we have no reason to use external resistance'

Once a person can handle there own body weight we use different strength exercises. I like using squats, I really like front squats cause we can train the legs with the thoracic extensors that are usually weak. A boxer that has been at it for a while will will have an increased kyphotic posture along with pronated shoulders. So we need to correct this if we want to improve performance.

We also use dead-lifts, single leg work, posterior chain work, core strengthen with more transverse plain exercises, but we also perform reverse crunches they are a great abdominal strengthening exercise that also help in improving posture.

A lot of unilateral work, pulls, rows, chins, pull ups, you name.

We use equipment ranging from db's, barbells, med balls, sand bags, kegs, sled, sledge hammer, I'm going to start using kettle bells more. Once again, these are all great tools we use depending on the situation.

Corrective exercises are used to keep the fighters muscle imbalances and posture in check.

I will say that generally fighters are bloody weak! So I like to improve and focus on maximal strength training. Hypertrophy training can be used if I have a fighter that wants to move up a weight class or needs a little more muscle.

For our dynamic training, I like to used med balls and other plyometric exercise for explosive power.

That pretty much sums it up as our training is ALWAYS evolving and improving as I continue to study and learn and as we progress in our own training.

Specialy Equipments need for boxing workouts
Hand wraps, a jump rope, gloves, punch mitts, a heavy bag, double end bag, speed bag and a small timer that you can by at any store. You don't have to get all the bags at once you can still burn allot of fat with the jump rope and heavy bag alone. The other equipment just really speeds the results.