Getting and Staying Fit, are you Trying to Lose Weight?

by : Lori Jones

Because NOTHING is more important to your success than your overall health and fitness.

"Getting and Staying Fit: The Connection Between Health, Wellness and Success."

Your personal ENERGY level is critical to success, because the truth is, there are no dead peak performers. For even minimal performance, you have to be, act and feel alive.

A high commitment to personal health and fitness gives you a serious performance edge. It's the one ingredient that helps you overcome the obstacles that inevitably come your way-and keeps you going strong all day long.

The Power of Interval Training.
"It's not how hard you train. It's how smart you train." is one of my favorite sayings. Why?

Because if you train SMARTER, you get FIT faster!

This is my way of introducing you to Momentum Fitness and helping you instantly boost your TQ as well!

Whether you are trying to lose weight or just get in shape, incorporating interval workouts into your routine will help you maximize your results.

Interval workouts will help you burn 30% more calories per workout and can leave your metabolism elevated for up to 12 hours after each workout. When you think of this in terms of the extra weight you could lose or the major increase in fitness you could accomplish, it is a no-brainer that intervals should be a central part of your workout routine.

Professional athletes use intervals as an important part of their training. But these days, the use of interval training is one of the hottest trends in health and fitness, which is why you see more and more people at the local gym doing interval workouts.

In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine now recommends intervals to beginners as a great way to maximize results.

Why is Interval Training so Powerful?
Here's an explanation of what makes intervals so effective: Most people currently do steady-state exercise, which means they work up to a level and then stay there for an extended period of time. Of course, this is better than not working out at all, but it is not the most efficient way to maximize your results.

In an interval workout, you will increase and decrease your exertion levels several times during your routine, striving for progressively higher levels (based on perceived exertion or heart rate) several minutes at a time, with a minute or two in between each interval to recover.

By pushing your effort level (and heart rate) up and down, this taxes your body and causes it to work harder (and burn more calories) than exercising at one set level. Also, by adding the rest periods in between your intervals, you are able to exercise at a higher level during the intervals and therefore burn that many more calories than staying at one set pace.

Doing intervals not only works your heart and lungs, strengthening them along the way, it also elevates your metabolism so that your body burns more fat for up to 12 hours after each workout, making it extremely effective as part of a weight loss program.

Good luck with your workouts!