How to Drive a Ball Further Without a Tee

by : green10

Are you tempted to use the womans tee only when no one is looking of course because your drives are so short?
Do 10 year old girls have drives that seem to go on for miles, while your tee shots are always within eye shot?
Seriously, if you would like to get more distance off the tee, WITHOUT going out a buying an expensive driver, then read on because you are about to find out how you can add yards and yards to your tee shots, without buying new equipment.

The mistake most people make when it comes to sports in general, and golf is no exception, is the thinking that power is generated from the upper body. Sure you see all those professional athletes with huge biceps, however, that is just for show, the real power house of your body is from your waist down.

The core, and by this I mean everything, not just the six pack muscles, your hips, thighs, gluteus, and your hamstrings, these are the muscles all the power comes from.
So it only makes sense that if you want a farther drive off the tee, you must develop strength in these muscles.
And the best way I know how to do this is by dead lifting. In its most basic form the dead lift is nothing more than simply lifting something off the floor.
Of course, there is a ton more to the dead lift than the above sentence indicates, however, I just wanted to give you a general idea of what the lift entails if youve never done it before.

However, I dont want to give you the impression that the dead lift trains mostly the lower body, because this is not true, it also works the whole back, traps, some shoulders, biceps, and forearms (and strong forearms will do wonders for your game). And even this list is incomplete basically the dead lift works your whole body.

Now before you start thing to yourself that you dont want to look like one of those power lifters, you just want farther drives off the tee, relax, first a very and I mean very small percentage of the population has the genetics to do what those guys do, and second there are methods of gaining strength that dont entail building a ton of muscle.

Still the question remains, what if youve never done the dead lift before and dont want to join a gym. Simple, most people have a set of old dumbbells in their basement that havent seen the light of day in years, or an old barbell set.

If you happen to have one of the above you are all set, if not, any good sporting goods store will sell them.

Now how do you learn to do the lift correctly, and this is most key, starting out right, is of the utmost importance.
This is really simple as well just do a search for the term dead lift in your favorite search engine or head on over to your favorite bookstore and ask for the bodybuilding section, there youll find plenty of good books that will have pictures of the lift being performed correctly.

One word of caution, despite what everyone says, start out with low reps until youve got the form down and then you can try higher reps, reason being when your just starting out and dont have a base youre form could break down with higher reps possibly resulting in an injury, not good. Stick with sets of 3-5 reps and youll be O.K.

For example one week your workouts could be 8x3, thats 8 sets of 3 reps per set and the next week they could be 5x5, thats 5 sets of 5 reps per set. Remember variety is a good thing, different rep ranges with hit your muscle and attachments just a little differently, which will help your efforts.

I know that if you give the dead lift and honest try for a couple of months, you wont need to use the womans tee anymore