by :
Aisha Cristal
When you are in the clutches of debt, your finances become devastating in a hurry. So mighty is the autocracy of debt burden that all your happiness is wiped out. Your groan for keeping monthly repayments minimum makes your vicinity a cold desert of denials, refusals and discontent.
You can escape from the debt trap. You just have to take a right economic decision and find some extra financial tools to pay your debts. Once you follow this, it is just a matter of time before you come out debt-free. In this article, you will find some easy steps to lead a debt free life.
The first step is to bring debt management plan into life which tries to prioritise your debt burden. The financial experts of the loan management agency look at your bills and decide which ones are most important. Monthly living expenses like rent and other necessary utilities are mostly non-negotiable, although luxuries are subject to cutting. Cutting your expenditure is the foremost important weapon to downsize the debt burden. You can notice that there are differences in the rates you pay to different credit cards and loan plans.
You may be paying twice as much to keep a balance on one card as you do for another loan. And the financial market is not expected to remain static. The rate of interest varies from time to time. The consultant tries to deal with the higher interest loans and card payments first.
Negotiation is the second step of debt management help sought by you. During overriding debt burden, lenders bother you constantly. To give you relief the agency negotiates with your multiple lenders. They persuade lenders to reduce your interest rate, even if your credit is not perfect. There are two good ways how your payable interest rate can be reduced. In the straightforward approach, the agency calls your card issuer or lender, and asks for a lower interest rate. In this case you have nothing to lose and every little bit of reduction counts. The other way adopted by the agencies managing your debt to get a better rate is through balance transfers and other introductory offers.
Once your debt burden becomes manageable with debt management plan, it is your duty to play safe with loans in the time to come. You can adopt the same strategy to deal with your debts in the future, if they arise at all. This process is also called snowballing because as you pay down your debt slowly, month after month, you progress faster and faster. Every extra pound you pay means less finance charges, reduction in debt burden and an additional savings.