Divorce to Remarriage
by Alyssa Johnon.Divorce and remarriage are huge decisions that require a lot of thought. They both cause upheaval and changes that can't be avoided, even if you want to. Perhaps it's due to all of the post-divorce changes, that research shows individuals who wait at...
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Domestic Violence Divorce
by Dr. Jeanne King."Where is your Mom?" asked a little boy to another. The little boy replied, "I don't know." From his point of view, she was lost. She was gone. She left him. She abandoned him. ...And the conclusions go on and on, each one with more and more potentia...
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You Divorced Me! Im Taking All the Stuff!
by Len Stauffenger.Throughout the course of any marriage, property is accumulated. You're in love, and as you stroll through shopping areas, you think that certain things will make the relationship happier. You started out with an empty apartment or home and before y...
Getting Relevant Divorce Advice
by Peter Blake.You are likely to get different divorce advice when you ask for it, depending on who you ask.You should be clear in your mind exactly what you want to know before asking for divorce advice. You will then know what questions to ask. Do NOT make the co...
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Divorce & Reconciliation After Divorce
by Rebecca Hanson.Copyright (c) 2008 Rebecca HansonIt is fitting that I should write this story on Valentines Day, for this is a story of two broken hearts, healed and mended, then melted together as one--in an instant. This is a story of True Love.Anyone who comes fr...
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Post Divorce Dating
by Alyssa Johnson.Post divorce dating can be a nightmare. Now you've found someone you really like, and it's time to introduce them to the kids. Today, let's look at 4 simple steps to use in that first meeting between your new partner and kids.Don't introduce them t...
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Prepare for a Remarriage Success
by Alyssa Johnson.The decision to remarry is a big one. Once the excitement wears off, it's time to look seriously at how to best prepare for this new marriage. It's important to consider this due to the re-divorce rate for remarriages is at least 60%.Today, let's t...
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Want a Happy Remarriage
by Alyssa Johnson.Divorcees frequently describe feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of emotions they feel due to all of the sudden changes they are dealing with. One of the most common emotions is loneliness. This happens even for those who initiated the divorce...
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Shame in Divorce is Arbitrary
by Len Stauffenger.Although divorce has become common place within society here in the United States, the burden of shame, failure, and blame continues to fall on the shoulders of the individual divorcee. In earlier times in our country, the external pressures coming ...
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Be happy After Your Divorce
by Alyssa Johnson.So many emotions are felt after a divorce that it can feel overwhelming. One of the most frequently felt emotions is despair. Makes sense doesn't it? You have so many changes coming at you at once that it's diffiuclt to recognize all of them, let ...
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Pack Up Before Your Remarriage
by Alyssa Johnson.Preparing to remarry is a busy time. You may be excited about the prospect of a new marriage and the stability that may add to your life. You may also feel nervous about giving the whole marriage thing another shot.One of the most important things ...
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