Editorials » Technology » Science

The Mysteries of the Planet Venus
by Msrdinc.Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the sixth largest. It is the brightest object in the night sky except for the Moon. Venus orbits the Sun once every 224.7 Earth days and gets as close to the Sun as 107.476 million kilometers and as far ...
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The Second Planet from the Sun
by Msrdinc.Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the sixth largest. It is the brightest object in the night sky except for the Moon. Venus orbits the Sun once every 224.7 Earth days and gets as close to the Sun as 107.476 million kilometers and as far ...
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The Magnificent Planet We Call Home
by Msrdinc.Our home planet Earth is the third planet out from the Sun and is the largest and densest of the four inner planets. Earth is also the first planet out from the Sun that has a Moon and is the only planet in our Solar System where liquid waters exists...
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by Theolonius Mctavish.(c) Theolonius McTavish 2004. All rights reserved.Seeking a spot of serenity somewhere in the universe, I recently booked a deep-discount dodgy berth on the ‘White Elephant Express Space Shuttle’, to a little known place in a galaxy far, far away...
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Tips For Examing The Earths Moon With Binoculars
by Polishbear.Our moon is 2,000 miles wide and is very close to us, allowing us to see all of its tiny details with just a pair of binoculars. Binoculars would reveal the chaotic landscape of the moon that is fulled with mountains, dark deep valleys, and large c...
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Globular Nature of Earth
by Mohammad Ali Abid.The holy quran is the word of Allah . it is our way of worship up to the judgement day . this means that there is no contradiction between what it says and what the new scientific discovers say . however , quran must be understood properly so that to...
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The Sky & The Earth
by Mohammad Ali Abid.In Quran Allah says, “It is He who hath created for you all things that are on the earth; Moreover, his design comprehended the heavens, for he gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of Allah things he hath perfect knowledge [2:29] ...

Future of Human Species
by K.a.cassimally.The process of making an unearthly world more earth-like for the purpose of supporting human life is called teraforming - Steven Wintergerst.Teraforming Mars is the only way we, humans can live and reproduce thus starting all over again on the red pl...
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Haven in the Earth
by satish.Haven in Earth Discovered in 1934 by S.Smith.in Shape of Valley of Flower.By – Satish Semwal.U – Shaped alpine valley formed by the glaciers in Garhwal Region of Uttaranchal discovered by the S.Smith. & M.Mark a mountaineer and botani...
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Lack of Energy in Earth
by Hamza Naeem.Ending of fuels and lack of energyOver the past 100 years many new electrical appliances such as dishwashers, microwaves, and air conditioners have been invented. Because of these inventions, we are using more energy than ever before. It is predicted...
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How to Prevent Earthquakes
by Dan Bar-Zohar.IntroductionEarthquakes are the outcome of the natural movements of earth crust, caused by the drifting of the tectonic plates. Earthquakes always accompanied villages and cities and seen inevitable menace that disrupt the normal every day life. Eart...
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Dry Electric Discharge Machining Process
by Sourabks.Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a process widely used to machine electrically conductive materials through the process of controlled spark generation. Thermal energy generated due to the electrical sparks melts and vaporizes material from the...
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Why Smart People Make Stupid Decisions
by Webrepairservice.How many times have you heard stories about smart people making stupid decisions with their money? This happens all too often and baffles everyone because why do intelligent, sensible people make such mistakes and rash decisions?This has in fact caus...
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Rocket Propulsion Into Space
by Jimmycox.The physical law under which rockets operate was first set down almost three hundred years ago by Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician, without whose work our exciting space explorations of today would be impossible. This law states that to eve...
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Johnstons Contribution To Calligraphy
by Jimmycox.Calligrapher Edward Johnston contributed a lot to the modern world of calligraphy. Looking back through the ages it can be seen that calligraphy has played an important part in the development of civilization, and that it has manifested itself in ma...
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Astronomy Real Star Power
by Chriscampbell.Astronomy has to be one the most humbling of all subjects to study. Just the thought of our universe, being like a grain of sand in a sandy shore of universes, is enough to make me want to crawl back under the sheets. Everything just seems so immen...
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Types of Hurricane Category
by Teahupoo.After the record setting year we had in 2005 and predictions that the 2006 season could hold more of the same, everyone in the hurricane ravaged areas along the Gulf Coast is on edge. Everyone along the Gulf Coast and the East Coast all the way to Ne...
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Geometry Formulas Made Easy
by Urmann2.Geometry, the only mention of it can bring an itch to the fingers of many who love the subject. However it can also bring spasms to the stomachs who dislike it. Whatever is the case, but in fact, Geometry is one subject that equally fascinating and p...
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Human Growth Hormone Information
by Urmann2.Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or Somatotrophin is a protein which helps in growth and cell production in animals and humans. It is the hormone which is made naturally in the pituitary glands of humans. The pituitary gland is deep inside the brain just b...
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Working With The Power Of Wind
by James_copper.Wind power is growing in popularity as an alternative to fossil fuel and one of the best of the renewable energy sources. The use of wind power requires wind turbines. Wind turbine generators do little to harm the environment and are far preferable i...
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Evolutions Embarrassing Moments
by Billnugent.Austin H. Clark (1880-1954) was a respected Darwinian evolutionist on staff at the Smithsonian Institution. He was the Carl Sagan of his generation, arguably the most respected evolutionist of his time. He was a prolific writer who wrote articles and...
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Facts on International Video Standards Conversion
by Streditorial.International video standards conversion presents a larger challenge to international viewing than does region coding. Video standards conversion is active, while circumventing the region coding system is passive. Video conversion requires an active ...
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The Next Generation Technology Developement
by J_hardcastle89.Technology is playing an ever-increasing role in our daily lives. From the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the places we work and learn, we are faced with technology by the bucket load, aiming to improve efficiency and encourage competitiven...
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Getting Started On Your Own Experiment
by Jimmycox.A really good science project can be an exciting challenge to your ingenuity, imagination, intuition and ability. You can find a problem so tantalizing that you carry it around in your mind, letting it simmer through whatever else you happen to be do...
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