Editorials » Medical » Anxiety

Do you Suffer From Social Anxiety? Wondering What is It? Read on
by Denzing Jones.There are a lot of people in the world and am sure many of you also have come across many such people who are unnaturally shy of the crowd. There are people, both boys and girls who are very wary of coming out of their shell. They hardly want to come...
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What is an Anxiety Attack?
by Terry Edwards.An anxiety attack occurs when you experience an intense amount of anxiety, panic or fear. That is why they are also called panic attacks. There are a variety of different symptoms that occur to someone who has an anxiety attack, and vary from person ...
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When a Family Member Has an Anxiety Disorder
by Lorraine Roach.1. Be predictable, don"t surprise them. If you say you are going to meet them somewhere at a certain time, be there. If you agree to respond to a certain anxious habit in a certain way, stick to the plan.2. Don"t assume that you know what the affecte...
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Crossing the Terror Barrier of Anxiety
by Lorraine Roach.There are all types of fitness and I have been working on 2 of them for the past 4 months.I am amazed at how many ways and how many people are out in the world to help.It was very simple to get started with these 2 things. All I had to do was reach o...
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Shameless Ending of Anxiety
by Lorraine Roach.There is no need to feel shame when you think or talk about anxiety.So many people have had or are now experiencing it and it has become politically correct to talk about our mental illnesses or disorders. As you know, anyone who is perceived as havi...
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What is Anxiety? Anxiety Disorders & Attacks
by Cathy M. Ross.ANXIETYThe feeling of anxiety is common to all and we have all felt it many times in the course of our lives. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it becomes a disorder.Find out more on Anxiety Disorders a...
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Coping With Social Anxiety Disorder Under the Cameras Eye
by John Scott.Every life lost is a sad loss. If we know the person, the death can be a load that some cannot carry without the help of something like Xanax. Then comes Heath Ledger - a man who lived his life in the public eye. It was like we all knew him - so aliv...
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Suffering From Anxiety
by The Work/Life Experts at eni.(GAD) if you often feel anxious about your family, health or work even when there are no signs of trouble. Anxiety is a natural reaction that prepares us for danger, or important events. The problem with those who suffer from GAD is that their feeli...
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Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms
by Tina Druv.If you are think that you are vulnerable to anxiety panic attacks, the let me tell you that you are not alone. 20 millions Americans run the same risk, they all suffer from anxiety. There are a lot of reasons that actually trigger anxiety, but the be...
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Why Does Anxiety Increase the Risk of a Heart Attack?
by John Scott.Xanax is now one of the most trusted of medications for the relief of anxiety. But, to many unsympathetic individuals, anxiety disorders are not real illnesses. You can always hear the complaints. These people are faking it to avoid working for a liv...
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Benefits of Anxiety Relief & Prescription Drug Abuse Risk
by John Scott.Xanax is the most prescribed benzodiazepine in the United States. Now that is the kind of headline manufacturers love and health professionals hate. Taken under the right circumstances and with due precautions in place, Xanax is an effective medicati...
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Panic Anxiety Disorder: it Can be Cured!
by Cathy Shermann.Panic anxiety disorder can be cured.? Yes, no longer would you have to endure the scary and disturbing sensations that come along with panic attacks.? You can free yourself from anxiety.? But before going into detail with that, it is suggested that y...
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Anxiety and Panic Attack: How You Can Stop Them
by Cathy Shermann.You can cope with anxiety and panic attack.? Now, there are many ways for you to minimize, or even stop the chances of having a panic attack.? No longer would you have to feel those unnecessary and scary sensations that come along with the disorder.?...
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Treating Anxiety Attacks - the Most Important Part
by Michael Porteous.Treating anxiety attacks or panic attacks as they are also known has become a huge industry spearheaded by drug companies mainly for a good reason; approximately 18% of adult Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder.Millions of people suff...
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Treating Anxiety Disorder One Step at a Time
by Michael Porteous.Treating anxiety disorders can be tricky as the very concept of overcoming your fears is scary and turns many off seeking real and long term solutions to their problems and often lead them to seek drugs to solve their problems which do nothing in the...
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What is Anxiety Attack - Am I Having an Anxiety Attack Alone?
by Andyl James.What is meant by the term anxiety disorder?Anxiety disorder is a term that is being used to describe conditions like phobias, anxieties, pathological fears and nervous conditions that may appear suddenly or develop over a period of time.It is differe...
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Anxiety Attack Information - How to Deal With Anxiety Attacks
by Andyl James.Like all diseases or conditions, anxiety disorder can get out of control if you do not treat it when it is not so serious. If you suspect that you are having anxiety attacks, it is best to seek treatment as soon as possible.Anxiety disorder can last ...
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Information on Anxiety Disorder - Do I Have Anxiety Attacks
by Andyl James.If you are always anxious, does it mean you have anxiety disorder? How can we differentiate anxiety disorder from merely anxious?A general guideline that you can use is this:1) You are merely anxiousMost probably, this is an extremely stressful perio...
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Anxiety Attack Information - Stop Anxiety Attack
by Andyl James.Are you constantly anxious for no apparent reason? Maybe you are always worried about something bad happening to you or our loved ones. Maybe you are always anxious when you have to interact with people. And you know this anxiety is irrational.There ...
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Information on Anxiety Attacks - Treatment for Anxiety Attacks
by Andyl James.Anxiety disorder is perhaps one of the most common mental health problems of all. It is said that out of every 10 people, 1 of them is struck by anxiety disorder. It is more commonly seen in women than men. However, both children and adults can suffe...
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Anxiety Disorder Information To Know
by Andyl James.Anxiety disorder is considered a very common form of chronic disorder that hits more women than men. It greatly affects the lifestyle of individuals suffering from it.People suffering from anxiety disorder have long lasting anxiety not specific to an...
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Anxiety Disorder & Anxiety Attacks: Types of Anxiety Disorders
by Andyl James.There are more than one type of anxiety disorder. It is important to have the correct diagnosis so that you can get the appropriate treatment.The various kinds of anxiety disorder include:1) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder2) Panic Disorder3) Social Pho...
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3 Treatments for Anxiety Disorder to Help You Cope
by Howard Guy.Anxiety disorder is a generalized term for many psychological conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder as well as the many phobias. Treatments for anxiety disorder can...
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5 Tips to Treating Anxiety You Should Know
by Terry Edwards.Anxiety affects roughly 6.8 million adults and plenty more children. The good news about stress, anxiety and panic attacks is that they are often quite controllable. If you happen to be someone who regularly suffers from them, here are a few techniqu...
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Treating Severe Anxiety
by Donald Whitehead.When I admitted to myself that I was suffering from the symptoms of anxiety panic attacks and went in to the doctor to seek professional help, I believed that the struggle was almost over. I? believed that the treatment of anxiety would be a simple a...
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