Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Fishing Guide

Fishing in the Outer Banks
by klively.For the fishing enthusiast, one will be hard pressed to find a more relaxing locale than the Currituck Outer Banks to partake in your favorite activity. Pleasant, year-round weather, spacious beaches, and excellent locales up the coast allow for exce...
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Tips And Tricks For Phenomenal Winter Fly Fishing
by trycmcw.Fly fishers come out in the spring, casting their fishing flies out over water in the early morning sun. Often the streams are crowded not just with other anglers but with swimmers and tubers who scare away the fish. Finding that dream spot on a st...
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Tropical Fish Guide For Beginner
by melvin.Keeping tropical fish is a great hobby. It is also needs careful consideration. How do you decide which tropical fish is best for your tank? There are basically three breeds of tropical fish and believe it or not they are categorized by their tempera...
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Catch More Bass On Your Next Fishing Trip
by leedobbins.Bass fishing can be a rewarding hobby and what better fun could there be than going on a fishing vacation. Exploring a new lake in search of that giant bass can be a fun and sometimes frustrating time. Here's some tip on how to get you up to speed ...
Similar Editorials : Bass Fly Fishing

The Importance Of A Quarantine Tank For Fish Rearing
by melvin.One very important object part of keeping tropical fish is the quarantine tank. It is not required if you are keeping freshwater fish because those fish are better suited to captivity. Freshwater fish sold as pets are normally raised in a tank and ar...
Similar Editorials : Your Fish Tank

Difficult Fish In Your Fish Tank
by kidino.I wanted to talk a little bit about fish that might look tempting in the store, but should probably be avoided by beginning aquarists. All of these fish have their good points too, or the fish stores wouldn't be stocking them at all, but it's best t...
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Lights, Fishes... Action!
by kidino.You've got the tank, you've got the fish and the plants and the gravel, you've got the filters and the bacteria and the lights. What else did you need?Well, have you looked at how well your water is moving? If you have a power filter, it might be ...
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Spot Game and Fish With Hunting Binoculars
Sitting in the woods waiting for game to pass by can be a tedious wait, but you can gain an advantage by using hunting binoculars while sitting in your tree stand. You will able to spot the game from a distance and verify a projected path and end the...
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Fish Tank Lights Offer a Lot of Variety
by infoserv.When buying fish tank lights, remember that there are literally hundreds of options available to you. Gone are the days of only being able to light your tank via fluorescent lights. You can now choose from a variety of different lights, each of them ...
Similar Editorials : Your Fish Tank

Tips For Planning A Perfect Fishing Trip
by leedobbins.Planning a perfect fishing trip isn't as easy as loading your tackle box into the car and setting off in the direction of water. You need to really define what exactly you want in your fishing experience and plan accordingly. There's lots to consid...
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Do You Need A Fishing Guide?
by leedobbins.Often times when one is planning a fishing trip, the question of a fishing guide comes up. They're costly so the first reaction is to forgo a guide - after all, you already know how to fish, right?This may or may not be true. You might very well be ...
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What you need to know about deep fishing.
by fsegura.Deep fishing can be for sport or commercial means. It is the practice of fishing in deep water to catch fish that live or feed near the bottom. These bottom fish get high prices at market that make them very desirable to fishermen. Deep fishing is...
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Ready to Go Fishing?
by granola.Fishing is as old as human life, and a necessity for its survival in some regions. Fish are as plentiful as any other biological forms, and very interesting to eat as well as catch and study. From the skillet to the aquarium, a fish can make us feel ...
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Night Fishing for Speckled Trout
by tnt7973.Night fishing for speckled trout has become my favorite saltwater fishing tactics. Start off the morning waiting at home or at work for sunset, load up the truck with my heavy-duty night light, rod and reel, lure box and head off to my secret fishing...
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Spearfishing Forums Are Exciting And Versatile
by Sig Yanosway. The activity of spearfishing has been known for centuries in this world. It was the most common form of fishing for several centuries, after mankind had learned to develop sharp tools. Though it is an ancient from of fishing, there are many people w...
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Salmon Fly Fishing Strategies and Tips
by Marilyn Roberts. Salmon will not be feeding when they are in a river but they will strike anyway as this is their nature. But watch out when they are in a lake as they will be very aggressive and predatory. This behavior can be challenging to fishermen but excitin...
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California Fishing Reports: The Inside Catch
by Seth Daugherty. So what do you need to know about California fishing reports? There are certainly a few things that you will want to consider when checking out a fishing report about California. This article will touch on these points. For one thing, you will want...
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A Thousand Fishing Flies... Or, So
by Trinity Anderson. A fly is a lure made to resemble an insect or other fish food. The idea behind the design is simple and true: make a lure that looks like the natural prey of some fish and they'll come racing onto the hook. Since at least the mid-17th century and pr...
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All About Fishing Line
by Trinity Anderson. Ok, you've been asked to design a great fishing line. Here are just a few of the goals you have to satisfy:1. It should be super strong, but not so strong that it can't break. Better to break your line than your fishing rod. It has to stretch somewh...
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Essential Clothing for the Angler
by Trinity Anderson. Sure, there are those days when a pair of shorts and a t-shirt are all you need. Get out there and go fishing! But sometimes you need a little more protection, a moderate amount of warmth and a lot more convenience. That's when the stakes get higher...
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Essential Ice Fishing Gear
by Trinity Anderson. Spring and summer are most closely associated with fishing. Standing in the middle of a stream on a sunny day tossing out a favorite fly is a scene shown in many a movie. But a dedicated angler will hardly want to stow away the rod and reel for mont...
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Walleye Fishing Bait
by Jadran Z. Transcona. The dream of every serious Walleye fisherman is to "catch the big one "or the "killer giant walleye". Many times the real serious trophy fish elude the most serious of anglers. It's no accident - if that Walleye was not that smart, powerful with a ...
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Catfish Soap Bait Secrets - Sure To Bring The Best Catches
by Daniel Eggertsen. Stories abound about bizarre, catfish bait 'secrets' sure to bring in the best catches of monster catfish, and though none seem more far fetched to the average person, it seems that catfish soap bait just might be a bizarre secret that works quite w...
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The Secrets Of Catching Giant Catfish
by Daniel Eggertsen. Catching large catfish is, like most other things, a function of knowledge. You need to understand your prey, their habits and idiosyncrasies. You also need to understand their environment. Let's start with the species. If you want large fish, t...
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Pennsylvania Walleye Fishing - The Many Places You Can Go
by Daniel Eggertsen. There are many major lakes and reservoirs found in Pennsylvania that are great for walleye fishing. This species of fish is very popular with anglers everywhere as they can be extremely challenging and their flaky white flesh is very tasty. Normally...
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