Editorials » Hobbies and Interests » Photography

Benefits of Digital Cameras
by tommy.Making the switch from 35mm to digital can be tough for a novice camera fanatic. The concept's mostly the same, but the way the picture gets stored, printed and viewed is different. But, the advantages to digital have made it the preferred way people...
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Professional Photographers are Going Digital
by kayakman1.Photography can be a pivotal part of life. When a picture is taken right, its just not a picture; its a form of art. That is why when you need your pictures to capture the essence of what is being photographed, you need a professionalphotographer who...
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Photo Digital Printing
by treatrea.Whether you like to be served, or you are a do-it-yourself, you can get beautiful, high-quality prints from your digital camera.There are two ways you can print your digital photos and get photographic quality prints for your scrap books or your wall...
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The Secret to Buying a Digital Camera
by dpoon.A digital camera comes so handy nowadays. Compared to using a traditional camera that uses film, taking with you a digital camera on your nature trips, tours, special occasions and formal gatherings is more convenient and fashionable too as most digi...
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Poppies in Tuscany 2 - The Digital Photography Alternative
by kmhflowers.It can be hard work locating the perfect field of poppies in front of the perfect view of a Tuscan town. You think it might just be easier to slap in a field of poppies on your computer at home later. Well, these days it is a viable alternative, one...
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Introduce Your Child to Photography
by iwilliam99.Give a child a camera and you have given them a time machine which will create wonders and may, at some time in the future, be considered family treasures. Expect that, at first, film will just be used quickly in order to see the pictures, but be pat...
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What To Consider While Purchasing A Digital Camera.
by dougpare.Are you planning to purchase a digital camera? Then you may need to consider several aspects while shopping for one. As the digital technology changes every other day, lots of models are hitting the market quite frequently, and that in fact makes the...
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Photography as a Fun and Interesting Hobby
by hunter.Photography is a fun hobby that interests many different people across a broad range of ages. Enthusiasts of all types have found a creative recreational outlet in the hobby of photography and with the advances in technology that have occurred in re...
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Printing Digital Photos Online
by marclindsay.Most people who buy a digital camera would often go out later to buy a photo printer. It's perfectly fine to do this however what most people don't know is that it's cheaper in the long run to print your photos online. Let's go through why this is th...
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How To Take Great Photos With Your Camera
by marclindsay.The truth behind a great photo is not the camera. It's the person who's taking it, you! Great photos are also not as simple pointing and clicking. There's a lot of things that make a great photo and sometimes you do get lucky with a great shot. But m...
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What to do With Digital Pictures
by granola.The person who thought up digital photo technology had a terrific idea. And the fact that digital cameras are now so affordable means that more people are choosing this option for their photo needs. But there are some major differences between film c...
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Digital Photography Lesson Strategy
by Kangaroo Jack. More than likely some of your more recent goals would have been to take up a hobby that will include the latest in electronic gadgets. It will also encourage the mind to learn something new and at the same time allow you to indulge in a pastime that...
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How Does the Camera Auto Focus Work and Why Sometimes It Fails?
by Ziv Haparnas.How does auto-focus work?All of us use it every time we click on the shutter button. Practically all modern cameras include some sort of an auto focus system. Thanks to the auto focus system we can enjoy an easier photography experience and can conce...
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Understanding Photo Printing Paper Sizes Or What is 4xd?
by Ziv Haparnas.What is an aspect ratio?Every photo or movie has an attribute called an Aspect Ratio. The aspect ratio is the relation between the horizontal and vertical sizes of the photo. To calculate the aspect ratio simple divide the width or a photo by its hei...
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Camera Battery Technologies Pros and Cons
by Ziv Haparnas.Like other portable consumer electronic devices digital cameras use batteries as their power source. In this article we will describe different battery technologies and their cons and pros. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to take into cons...
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Turning Old Photo Paper Prints Into Modern Digital Format
by Ziv Haparnas.Although digital cameras have been around for a few years and are becoming more and more popular many of us still have a large number of older film camera paper prints, slides and negatives. Most people keep their paper prints and negatives at their ...
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How Many Pixels Make a Good Print?
by Ziv Haparnas.One of the more common dilemmas for people is choosing the paper size for printing their photos. Everybody knows that if your digital camera does not produce enough pixels (or actually megapixels) printing its photos on a large paper size will yield ...
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The Difference Between Dpi and Ppi
by Ziv Haparnas.Most people heard the term DPI. In most cases the term is used in the wrong context to express the number of pixels in a photo, the number of dots in a print or the maximum dots per inch a printer can output. A relatively new term PPI was introduced ...
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Understanding Shutter Delay in Digital Cameras
by Ziv Haparnas.When using a digital camera to take action photos you will notice that there is a delay between the time you press the shutter button to the time the camera actually takes the photo. In most cases this delay is small enough and not noticeable but whe...
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The Difference Between Film and Digital Photography
by Ziv Haparnas.There are many differences between film and digital photography. To most amateur photographers they do not matter much. They prefer the convenience, ease of use and lower cost of digital cameras and are not going to revert to the film age. However un...
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Digital Noise: Information, Causes, Prevention
by Ziv Haparnas.Digital noise in photos taken with digital cameras is random pixels scattered all over the photo. It is a similar effect as "grain" in film photography and it degrades the photo quality. Digital noise usually occurs when you take low light photos (su...
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Tripods - How to Avoid Blurry Photos
by Ziv Haparnas.All of us had the experience of shooting photos just to find out they look blurry or too soft. In almost all cases the reason for that is camera movement. When the camera moves while the shutter is open the result is a soft or blurry photo. Usually c...

Get More Money On Ebay By Taking Good Photos of your Item
by Ziv Haparnas.A picture is worth a thousand words. When selling items online on auction sites such as eBay this saying becomes more relevant. A picture is worth money and a lot of money. A good set of pictures can make the difference between an item that is sold a...
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Effective Use of Flash Photography
by Ziv Haparnas.Did you ever put your flash unit in manual mode? Did you ever manually turn on the flash when taking a day time outdoor photo? For many the answer to both questions is "no". For most amateur photographers flash is just a solution for taking photos wh...
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Tips for Taking Great Lightning Photos
by Ziv Haparnas.Lightning photos are very dramatic. The contrast between the night darkness and the lightning brightness results in very powerful photos. In this article we will provide you with a few tips and guidelines for successfully taking lightning photos.The ...
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