Making the Most of Your Kids Clothes
by Ashlee Hovsepian.?Nothing is more fun then dressing children; finding just the perfect unique outfit to compliment their adorable faces. But as fast as you buy kid's clothes, it seems the faster they grow out of them. Many popular designers are starting to take this ...
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Photographing Kids
by A.charlotte Riley.Kids grow up so quickly and while we are often left with countless memories, most parents have only a drawer packed with school photos, blurry holiday snaps and the forced grin of the inevitable yearly birthday picture to account for the years gone b...
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Help! The Kids Are Taking Over
by David Leonhardt.Once upon a time, I harbored a quaint notion of child development. In the my imaginary world, children eventually transmogrified into those horror-movie monsters called teenagers. They would overrun the house for a few years, scorching and pillaging ...
*Gasp* Should Kids be Reading Fiction...
by Laura Hickey.Fiction- Good or Bad for Children? Ghosts, vampires, demons, wizards...all items you could easily find in a fictional story. Or all items that some parents may feel would give their child nightmares. Is fiction something we should keep away from our ...
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Our Kids and Their Money
by Terry J. Rigg.Things didn't change much when I grew into an adult. I gotmy paycheck and made sure that it was gone just as soon asI could get rid of it. Sometimes I even paid some bills.It took me a long time to realize that some of your money ismeant for tomorrow...
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Kids do the darnest things
by Marsha Maung.I now know why God made children. I now know why we grow up being so cute, making the adults coo over us and melt like butter in a hotpot. I now know why parents are prone to tripping all over themselves to satisfy every whim and fancy of their child...
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How to Get Your Kids to Pick Up Their Toys
by Laura Bankston.I didn't understand it. They would have their room picked up, but a few hours later, it would be messy again. Toys all over the floor, blankets on the floor. Toys in the hallway; toys downstairs.I definitely was getting tired of looking at the mess, ...
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Are You Chasing Dollars or Your Kids?
by Brian Maloney.Everything in moderation right? Haven’t we been told thiscountless times and yet still we tend to find ourselvesconstantly plunging into excess. It seems that we always do too much of one thing for thesacrifice of many others and therefore, seeming...
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Let Kids Help
by Sue Defiore.Large meals make people full and sleepy, and they cut down on employee’s productiveness. Think of what large meals do to your children at school. We want our children alert so that they can learn, not falling asleep at their desks, so let’s keep ...
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Kids’ Bunk Beds: How to keep your child safe.
by Dani Martin.For many children, bunk beds are exciting. Many small children desperately want a “big kid bed,” especially those who recently graduated from a crib. Bunk beds have the advantage of allowing children to sleep above or below a sibling, and they ar...
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Dice Entertainment for Kids!
by Lindsay Small.Get the dice out! Dice games are the ultimate in quick andeasy entertainment, with the added advantages of beingcheap, portable and educational too! You can start playingdice with children as young as 2 ?, as long as you are surethat they are past th...
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How to keep your kids busy
by Susanne Myers.1) Trade play-dates with other moms in your area. One afternoon the kids play at your house, the next at hers. You get the idea. Not only does this help you out on the days that they are at someone else’s house, but also on days that they are at yo...
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Let’s Google and Yahoo Our Kids’ Education
by Joel Turtel.Let’s consider the differences in how a typical child (we’ll call her Jenny) learns when she uses Google or Yahoo, compared to how she learns in her public-school classroom.First, with Google or Yahoo, Jenny can explore any subject that fascinate...
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Kids Ceiling Fans
by Max Bellamy.Other ceiling fans have translucent designs or other unique features. Children’s ceiling fans come in a variety of sizes, from petite to large. Many popular kids’ ceiling fans have designs on the blades and lights. Sports are a ...
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Valentines Day Fun For Kids!
by Angela Billings.1.Help kids make their own Valentines using construction paper, lace, ribbons, sequins, butons, glitter, glue and anything else they or you can think of to add on! 2.Cut a heart shape from a household sponge and sprinkle with wheat grass seeds ...
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