A Wake Up Call To Always Remember
by Karin Manning.I received two emails this weekend. Both were as a result of autoresponder follow ups these people were receiving from my business. The first was full of expletives that aren’t worth repeating. The s...
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Caring for Your Customers
by Terri Seymour.You probably think I am going to say something like, "The customer is always right." Right?? Wrong. I have many philosophies when dealing with customers, but I definitely do not believe that the cus...
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Keeping Up With...
by Cathy Bryant....the Jones's? The Smiths? The latest internet "sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, knock-down last, best opportunity?" Makes you want to pull your hair out, doesn't it? I'm here to tell you...don't get c...
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The Key To High-Volume Web Sales
by Michael Southon.The quickest way to achieve high-volume sales on the web is to set up your own affiliate program. There are two ways to set up an affiliate program: you can install affiliate tracking software on yo...
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