Future Cars are Here
by Dwyane Thomas. CNN has just featured the so-called driverless cars -- all equipped with sensors, radars, cameras, computers and communicators that allows them to maneuver its way on roads and through traffic with very little human assistance.Of course these driver...
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Autoweek Examines Elderly Drivers
by RyanThomas. Traffic safety is a major concern for the auto industry as well as the government. In the past, different issues pertaining to the risk in traffic safety are raised. In the past decades, drunk driving is one of the major threats in traffic safety....
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New Tools for Trapped Motorists
by Anthony Fontanelle. Automobile safety is one area of an automobile that has received much attention in the past years. The number of fatalities in the past decades as result of traffic accidents led to the development of safety features for automobiles. Before safety...
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Jeep Patriot: to Protect and to Serve
by Lisa Ziegler. Jeep is probably one of those vehicles that have been involved in a great number of reported road accidents which will probably caused most car buyers to question the reliability of Jeep’s safety features. In fairness, to the Jeep brand almos...
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Aa Roadfinder
by Adrian Lawrence. The AA provide a great UK route finding service on their website, www.theaa.com, It is a very simple and easy to use function, simply by typing in your location and desired destination - either by place name or post code, the route finder will provi...
Distracted Drivers Could be Lethal
by Glady Reign. Driving on the road demands utmost attention and to fall short of the required attention could be fatal to both the car occupants and pedestrians. As a fact, drunken and aggressive driving fatalities and injuries are alarmingly increasing over the p...
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Distracted Driving Worse Than Drunk Driving
by KatieJones. In the past, the most notorious cause of traffic accidents is drunk driving. Concerned agencies though took steps to combat the problem. For the past 20 years, it seems that the awareness of the public to the hazards of drunk driving has expanded....
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Fault Tolerant Solutions Needed
by Joe Thompson. The automobiles of today are light years away from their forefathers especially when it comes to technological features. Power windows are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amount of electronically controlled features found on today'...
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Eye-safe Lasers to Aid Virtual Traffic
by Anthony Fontanelle. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., usually called and known as Philips, is working on lasers that are designed to project virtual road markings and messages. This is to aid drivers on the roads be more aware of the tarmac that may be ahead of the...
D-day for Mobile Phone Using Drivers
by mexico. February 27th 2007 is " D " day for u.k. car drivers who use mobile phones whilst driving. From this date the penalty for using a mobile phone whilst driving is ?60 fixed penalty and 3 points on your driving licence.Previously the peanlty was just t...
Booster Seats: Safety First
by David Flinthoff. A booster seat is a simple concept and it has a very simple function. This simple function is this: it is there to save the life of your child. A car accident is not something that anyone really wants to think about, especially where children are co...
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