Big Three Lost Purchasers in June
by Anthony Fontanelle. The Detroit's Big Three share of the American auto market dived to a record low in June, statistics showed last Tuesday thus predicting another summer of deep discounts, cheap car loans and deals on leases.The General Motors Corp. had its worst mont...
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Five Steps To Saving Money On A New Car
by Jim Brown. Buying a new car can be a daunting experience if you don't prepare yourself beforehand. There are just five easy steps you can take to help you enjoy immense savings when you are new car shopping whether online or at the dealer. Taking the time to d...
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New Online Automotive Savings
by Jim Brown. There are many organizations operating through the Internet website corridors that are solely interested in saving the consumer money on new automobile purchases. The new automotive online savings are found through links on discounted items such as ...
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Is Leasing A Car The Right Option?
by Matthew Hick. Leasing a new car or truck can be a complicated and frustrating experience. All the offers being advertised look great on the surface, but is leasing really the best option for everyone? Basically, the answer is no. Leasing can be a wonderful altern...
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Nissan Hybrid Tax Credits Still Good
by RyanThomas. Federal tax breaks for purchasers of hybrid cars in the United States have started shrinking since fall. But according to the Internal Revenue Service, Nissan vehicles can continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.The IRS's quarterly r...
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Gap Insurance Can Be Purchased Anywhere
by Ajeet Khurana. Purchasing a car is such a complex job. Besides having to decide upon a vehicle and arrange for financing, you need to scour the car dealing markets for a great car dealer and get insurance on the car. With every step and decision you make, there ar...
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Car Buying Tips Offered
by Jenny Mclane. As the summer approaches, car buyers are looking for new cars and to help them pick the right car at the lowest possible price, Sid Kirchheimer offered car buying tips in his book "Scam-Proof Your Life". The book offered tips to buyers since everyo...
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Methods To Grab Fantastic Car Deals
by Ian Jefferson. Imagine your faithful old Ford finally broke down and it's time for you to get a new car to replace it. The only snag though, is that you're low on cash. So what are your options?Let's see. First off, you could go for a bank loan. Or perhaps you cou...
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by Jenny Mclane. Car buyers are always looking for information when looking for the right car that they would use in their everyday duties and special whims. The Internet is a big help for them since information are readily available for them. Case in point is the...
Best Dealerships in the Auto Industry
by Glady Reign. J.D. Power's annual studies unravel the best dealerships in the automotive realm. The firm's annual Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) delved into the ability of a brand's dealerships to manage the sales process - from product presentation to negotiatio...
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The Quest for an Auto Dealer
by Ashley Daniels. There are many ways to approach the automotive world. Some people enjoy it as a hobby, some others just because they need a mean of transportation, but one way or another if you have a car, you have to deal with auto parts and car dealers sooner or ...
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Selling A Car
by Robert Williams. For the private owner to market a car for sale while avoiding the risks associated with selling it privately is no small undertaking. The following points should be considered:Secret #1: Evaluating Personal CircumstancesThe kind of person you are an...
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Tips on Buying a Vehicle
by Eric Jones. Buying a new or used car for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. The following information will provide some helpful tips to guide you through the process. Before you begin the search for your vehicle you need to create a budget. You w...
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