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Indonesia » Java Island » Jakarta » Expat Guide » Spa and Massage » The Stylish Gaya Spa
The Stylish Gaya Spa
by: Dina Indrasafitri

Gaya Spa certainly doesn't take its name for granted. ‘Gaya' means ‘stylish' or ‘trendy', and this pampering center is devoted to following the latest spa trends, without being a victim of passing fads, though. Through fifteen years of its existence in Indonesia , the spa has its own ways to ensure that its customers will come home feeling happy and spoiled.

People come to spa in order to relax, and that's just what Gaya Spa will give to you. The place's cheerful, Japan-influenced décor is complemented by the staff's friendly and laid-back attitude. No overwhelming mystical waves or dimness here, the rooms are modern, well-lighted and well-equipped.

The staff's happy-go-lucky manners do not necessarily scar their performance or courtesy towards the guests. Gaya Spa is definitely aware of the respect Indonesian therapists gain from the world due to their politeness and timidity, and that advantage does not go to waste. A special training center called Essentia Spa, especially made for the Gaya Spa company, ensures that the staffs are well-versed in their techniques and etiquettes. Mr Seno, the Marketing Communication of Gaya Spa informs that the training center recently had also sent some of its graduates abroad, thus achieving international standards.

There are two couple rooms and three single rooms in the spa. Couples can choose between the regular room with conventional beds or the Thai room, which is more ethnical in its appearance. Dainty Thai statues and wooden-floor provide the desired oriental feel, yet not overshadowing the whole décor. Each room is equipped with a Jacuzzi and shower. The couple's room is also complemented with a sauna.

Gaya Spa prefers an eclectic approach towards its activities. Choices of massage styles include the traditional Indonesian massage with lingering touches, Thai massage and Swedish massage. There are also special massage techniques to accommodate to the guest's purpose. For instance, the therapist employs special techniques to serve the purpose of detoxification, stress-management or rejuvenation. Special Gaya Spa products, all fragrant with aromatherapy from natural essences, are used in the process.

Long-time favorites of this Spa include the many choices of milk bath, the body scrub and body wrap. For the guest's convenience, Gaya Spa also provides Spa packages, each pointing to a specific purpose. Examples include the ‘Detox Gaya'- comprising the number-one requested treatments of the spa: 130 minutes of sauna, body scrub, body mask and body massage, the ‘Easy Gaya'- 150 minutes of scalp treatment plus manicure and pedicure, and the ‘Refresh Gaya' – a short and simple 90 minutes of ear therapy and deep cleansing.

Located in the street of Wolter Mongonsidi, it is inevitable that the Gaya Spa attracts many young customers from nearby high schools. This is also triggered by the fact that Gaya Spa also features a salon with a high awareness on trends concerning youth hairstyles. This relationship contributes even more to the carefree ambience surrounding the Gaya Spa premise. In the future, Gaya Spa will also include a small tea shop aside from the addition of more spa rooms.

Gaya Spa shines a positive aura towards changes, backed up with a laid-back and cheerful attitude, this could be the reason why this Spa still looks youthful and fresh after all these years. It's just proper that some of such attitude will be scrubbed on to you after experiencing the spa's treatments.

Gaya Spa
Wolter Monginsidi St. No. 25
Melawai Village , Kebayoran Baru
South Jakarta City 12160
(021) 726 7648 /50
(021) 720 8517

Address : Gaya Spa,
Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 25, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta

About The Author

Dina Indrasafitri, Travel Writer

Dina writes for SD Indonesia Editorial team for Streetdirectory.co.id. Robert J Steiner manages Streetdirectory.co.id & FlowerAdvisor.co.id, well known for for online Flowers & Gifts in Indonesia.

Dina finished her Major in Sociology in 2005. After working in Medan for several months and giving a shot at different jobs she finds that her love for writing, food, interior design and her hometown Jakarta had lead her to become a writer at Streetdirectory.com.

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