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» Ciumbuleuit Bandung
Ciumbuleuit Bandung
by: Emma Kwee

Ciumbuleuit is the name of an area in North Bandung , and a typical Sundanese word with lots of different vowels that makes pronouncing this word somewhat like a work out for your mouth. The main road, Jalan Ciumbuleuit, starts in tacky Cihampelas, the busy shopping street lined with life size superheroes, and it extends all the way up to Lembang.

Ciumbuleuit is home to one of Bandung 's big educational centers: the Catholic University of Parahyangan . Therefore, the area is filled with student facilities such as kos kosan (student rooms) which are mostly divided into two different sections, putri (girl) and pria (boy)'s boarding houses. Most of these rooms are small, with a communal kitchen and bathroom. The students, being almost always short of cash, also caused an overabundance of cheap eating places. One of the favourites is Cabe Rawit, where tasty meals and delicious juices cost next to nothing.

The direct neighbourhood of the university is a bustling place with a relaxed atmosphere, where loitering, lounging and lunching are the main activities taking place. Going further upwards, the road becomes quieter with almost suburban residential streets. These tree-lined lanes are mostly inhabited by well to do Bandungese and expatriates who enjoy the green environment and beautiful villas.

Two of Bandung 's most classy and stylish hotels can also be found in Ciumbuleuit. The Malya, situated in a quiet lane, is a chic 4 star hotel that offers stunning views of the mountains and is with right, one of the most demanded places to stay at in Bandung . The Ardjuna hotel is a newer addition and is also a refined piece of design with a modern minimalist décor.

The upper Northern part of Ciumbuleuit is a popular weekend retreat for picnicking families. A park by the name of Punclut plays host to dating couples and eager joggers. Relaxing gazeboes to are available and it is advisable to show up with a wide array of home cooked snacks to accompany the endless chit chat.

Ciumbuleuit is one of the most popular areas to live in and has a distinctive atmosphere. The low budget student hub near the university is in stark contrast with the upper class residential area further upwards but both boast a relaxed feel that can't be found in the inner city.

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About The Author

Emma Kwee

Emma is a Dutch born and bred Indonesia lover who after years of traveling stranded and lost her heart to the same country her father was born in.

Emma writes for Streetdirectory Indonesia. Robert J Steiner manages Streetdirectory.co.id & FlowerAdvisor.co.id, well known for for online Flowers & Gifts in Indonesia.

She is currently living the good life in Bandung, writing for streetdirectory.com while sipping fresh coconut juice under a palmtree, she's planning on staying put for a while.

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