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» Bandung Super Mall
Bandung Super Mall
by: Emma Kwee

Bandung Super Mall, or BSM in short, is the newest addition to the already crowded consumption arena of Bandung . It is located on Jalan Gatot Soebroto , and not that hard to find because everybody knows it and frankly, it's humungous, so it's not hard to miss seen from a car or bus. It is the realization of what modern consumerism should be in the eyes of the developers of Bandung 's landscape. Apparently size does matter, since BSM is shaped like a giant shoebox.

As usual all the world's favourite fast food branches have joined under one giant roof, so don't be afraid that you'll have to go shopping without your dose of Mc Nuggets, slice of Pizzahut, KFC chicken wings, or hazelnut Starbucks coffee. Also, the most leading brands in clothing all have taken residence in BSM, such as Boss, Guess, Marks & Spencer, Esprit, Polo, Puma and the rare to find but amongst Indonesian ladies extremely popular Mango.

At the back of the main shopping area a Hypermart fills another box shaped hangar. As the name suggests, this ‘supermarket' is hyper in size and offers a dazzling array of both food and non food products. So if you're looking for a washing machine as well as a bag of lollipops, this is the place to go.

The top floor of BSM is as usual in Indonesia reserved for a food court, and oddly enough, also spurs an amusement park, complete with ferris wheel and roller coaster. Tickets for the rides are sold seperately and cost around Rp.5000 a piece. It is very much a surreal and noisy environment, but kids will probably go ballistic about it.

Overall BSM is one of the most sterile shopping temples Bandung has. It's size and assortment of shops make it a handy one stop place to find everything you need under one roof, instead of having to go all around town to different areas to get different things. It has the character and looks of an American mall somewhere in the suburbs, yet it's just around the corner, in your beloved city of Bandung .

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Address : Bandung Supermal,
Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 289, Batununggal, Bandung

About The Author

Emma Kwee

Emma is a Dutch born and bred Indonesia lover who after years of traveling stranded and lost her heart to the same country her father was born in.

Emma writes for Streetdirectory Indonesia. Robert J Steiner manages Streetdirectory.co.id & FlowerAdvisor.co.id, well known for for online Flowers & Gifts in Indonesia.

She is currently living the good life in Bandung, writing for streetdirectory.com while sipping fresh coconut juice under a palmtree, she's planning on staying put for a while.

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