About Writer http:www.stopsmokingpad.com Striving to Create a Happier Healthier Life by helping people make the decision to stop smoking.Copyright 2006 T&M Sales Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Choosing The Right Stop Smoking Program If you are going to enlist the help of professionals in quitting smoking, it is important to carefully evaluate the credentials and claims of the programs you are considering. You want to ensure a good fit between yourself and the methods used, as well as weed out anything that sounds too good to be... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Universal Health Care
Holistic Medicine To Help You Stop Smoking Holistic medicine draws on a comprehensive mind/body approach to healing which is particularly relevant to stopping smoking. Smoking is a habit that involves your thought processes, beliefs, emotions, and daily behaviors in addition to the physical component of nicotine addiction. It therefore makes... Similar Editorial : Holistic Medicine Secrets by . | Source : Universal Health Care
Acupressure To Stop Smoking Acupressure is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that can be used to alleviate the symptoms of many illnesses and disorders. By putting pressure on certain points throughout the body, corresponding to the meridians or energy centers as understood by ancient Chinese medicine, energy blockages are r... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Alternative Medicine Guide
Cigarettes And Public Speaking Having to stand up in public and speak can be really nerve racking. It's a common phobia that a lot of people have. It's a nervousness that all eyes are suddenly on you. Everyone is listening to every word you say. It can be truly terrifying. If it's something that makes you very nervous, then th... Similar Editorial : Cigarettes Advertising by seikoo. | Source : Universal Health Care
Changing The Way We Think When We Quit Smoking Successfully quitting smoking is often largely a matter of changing how we think about cigarettes, smoking, and ourselves as smokers. Believe it or not, changing your thoughts can have a powerful influence in helping you quit. By examining your reasons for smoking, your beliefs about the need to smo... Similar Editorial : Quit Smoking by Mike Mor. | Source : Universal Health Care
How To Avoid Weight Gain When Stopping Smoking Fear of gaining weight is a barrier for many when it comes to quitting smoking. However, with proper planning and the use of some of the different products available, weight gain is not an inevitable side effect. Understanding the quitting process and coming up with a detailed plan to deal with the ... Similar Editorial : Hypnosis for Stopping Smoking by richardmackenzie. | Source : How Lose Weight
Words Create An Attitude Words do create an attitude how often have you used the term, my weight? You may have made the comments like these:When I lose my weight, My weight does not let me,I can not because of my weight.Do you see a common thread throughout these statements? Can you make an educated gues... Similar Editorial : The Adventure Attitude by Cheryl Perlitz. | Source : Weight Loss Plan
Tame The Weight Loss Beast The dawn of the Information Age has given us more labor saving devices than any other period in history. Along with this knowledge we have settled into a more sedentary lifestyle. Taking a little trip back in time can really open our eyes. A typical day for your great grandmother began... Similar Editorial : Either Tame The Bull by Richard Vegas. | Source : Weight Loss Products
Low Fat Diets Make Us Fat! Two out of three Americans are overweight. The primary cause is that we eat more and exercise less. There is no doubt that the more advances we make that enhance our lifestyle the heavier we become.Wait a minute! What about all those low fat foods that we eat now? How come I reduced fat in... Similar Editorial : Fad Diets by Mark Kimathi. | Source : Weight Loss Products
Horrified Have you ever been to a party or someone house where there is a pile of alcohol bottles a mile high? The bottles stack on top of one another like a monument to good times. They are Mount Rushmore with Budweiser, Miller, Coors, and Heineken emblazoned on the side. The discarded bottles s... Source : Health Care Reform
A Smokers Story I had been working a 60-hour week and was longing for Friday night when my girlfriends and I were set to meet at a local disco for some much deserved dancing, flirting, and drinking. Yes, this was the disco era and I was all decked out in my big hair, platform shoes, and tight fitting spandex short ... Similar Editorial : Grilling With Pipe Smokers by sfrom. | Source : Health Care Reform
What Had I Done My daughter was four years old and riding in the front seat of the car. She was a year out from having to ride in a car seat in the back and was still enjoying her big girl status. When she first started riding up front, we had several minor battles about the seatbelt. She just did not like it. I in... Source : Health Care Reform
Medication To Help You Stop Smoking There are many different medications, tools and techniques that you can incorporate into your plan to stop smoking. In terms of mainstream medicine, these primarily include nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) in the form of patches, lozenges, nasal sprays and gum. The primary concept behind these p... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Traditional Chinese Medicine
I Need To Stop Smoking What smoker has not at some point tried to flip a cigarette out of a closed car window? There you are, trying to fish it out of your lap without burning yourself or the seat, and even worse, trying to maintain control of the vehicle if you are the driver. The only consolation in this case is that ma... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Health Care Reform
Review Of Devices To Help You Stop Smoking While there will be challenges on the road to stopping smoking, there are a variety of products designed to help make your quitting process easier. Herbal patchesSimilar in concept to nicotine patches, without the nicotine, herbal patches contain natural ingredients that offer the ... Similar Editorial : Stop Smoking by mmano229. | Source : Health Care Reform