Steve Kroening writes for Success magazine and also publishes Wisdom's Edge. You can get Biblical tips on health, finance, relationships, parenting, and success, delivered to your email inbox every week. Simply visit and sign up for this free e-zine.
How To Beat Gas Stations At Their Own Game Gas prices are finally starting to come down. But gas is still relatively expensive. I remember when gas was selling for well under a dollar back in the 1990s. Here are a couple of simple tips on how to save money at the pump.First, know when to fill up. According to Marshall Brain, ... Similar Editorial : Financing Gas Stations by jeff rauth. | Source : Saving on Gas
Natural Ways To Beat Depression If you suffer with depression, one of the best things you can do is to find ways to serve others. Selfishness is definitely a major cause of depression. But there are cases of depression that are caused by physical problems. A poor diet, for instance, can make you feel sluggish. And a mineral deficiency can rob you of your youthful vitality.Unfortunately, medical science likes to throw drugs at...... Similar Editorial : How To Beat Depression by infocus. | Source : Antidepressants
Can You Get Rich In Your Town? Russell Conwell, the founder of Temple University, was often asked the question, "Is there opportunity to get rich in my town?" As a preacher, most thought Conwell would answer as a typical preacher and tell them to focus on heavenly riches. But Conwell wasn't a typical preacher.He would answer, "I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich. How many of my pious brethren say...... Similar Editorial : A Cramlington New Town by amarticles-linda. | Source : Money Making Opportunities
Loan Opttions & Choosing Loans Debt is a success killer. It prevents you from reaching your goals. As a general rule, debt is something you should avoid whenever possible. There are exceptions to the rule. But you have to be very careful.One of the exceptions is a loan that can actually help you reach your goals faster. Of course, this same loan can also cause tremendous debt problems.The loan is called a home equity line of...... Similar Editorial : New Car Loan by James Gunaseelan. | Source : Debt Reduction Credit Card Consolidation
Ways To Save Money On Rental Cars Renting a car can really add to the cost of your trip, especially if you don't do some simple things before you leave on your trip.If you travel a good bit and rent cars, you're probably aware of the frequent renter programs the major rental companies use. While these can save you money, there are a few ways you can save even more.Most of the frequent renters programs are free. But some of the...... Similar Editorial : Hybrid Cars Save Money by Amber Lowery. | Source : Car Accessories Online
Simple Trick To Get The Lowest Rental Car Price Are you going on vacation soon and can't decide if you should rent a car or not? Well, now is a great time to rent a car.The American automakers have made too many cars they can't sell. So the rental companies are getting great deals on their inventory. And they are passing those savings on to you. If you use a very simple trick, you can get an even better deal whether you rent a car regularly or...... Similar Editorial : The Testimonial Trick by Terence Tan. | Source : Car Accessories Online
How To Beat The Banks At The Credit Card Game Here's a financial tip that's an answer to a letter I recently received. Debbie asks: "We've been battling credit cards for most of our married life. We're finally getting on top of the situation. We've paid off almost all of our cards with one left to go. It feels good! It makes me extremely angry to get two and three new offers of credit cards almost every day. I take great joy in tearing all of...... Similar Editorial : Online Card Game by lynter. | Source : Credit Union Mastercard
College Is Expensive -- Here Are 3 Ways To Make It Work Whether your children are still young or old enough to go to college, paying for school is a challenge. While the returns on an investment in education are usually huge, you don't want to spend a fortune on college if you don't have to. Here are a few things that might help keep your costs down.If your children are young, consider signing up for uPromise. This website offers a great way to help...... Similar Editorial : Is Digital Photography Expensive by Jakob Jelling. | Source : Colleges History Major
Worrying About Health Costs Health-care costs have gone through the roof. Insurance premiums eat up a bigger portion of your paycheck each year. Drug costs are outrageous. And we're getting less in return, as we're a much sicker nation than we used to be (a new study just announced that we're now sicker than our British counterparts).Obviously, the high cost of technology is partly to blame. Third-party payments from both...... Similar Editorial : LASIK Costs by kimbokarrie. | Source : Quality Health Care
The Cost Of Many Educational Resources Is About To Drop! Whether you homeschool your children or send your kids to private or public school, most moms are always looking for good education resources for their kids. Unfortunately, many of those resources are very expensive.But here's some great news: Many educational resources are about to cost a lot less!In fact, they won't cost you a dime! Here's how:You may have heard about new technology called "open...... Similar Editorial : What Is Drop Shipping by Palyn Peterson. | Source : Culinary Arts School Atlanta
Make Better Profits On The Sale Of Home Owner financing can be very profitable, as long as you take steps to keep yourself safe throughout the process. I'd like to show you four ways to both protect your finances and make life a lot easier if you decide to owner-finance your property. (1) Make sure you do a background check on any potential buyers. With all the new laws regarding sex offenders, you could easily find yourself in a bad...... Similar Editorial : Make Healthy Profits by Dr. Mark Jarmel, D.C.. | Source : Home Business Finance
5 Ways To Use Your Tax Refund To Build Your Financial Future Whenever you receive a tax refund, you may be tempted to rush out and spend the entire check. But before you do that, let's look at some of the best ways to use that money. You want that money to work for you, not the local retail store. 1. Give it away. Whether you give a portion or all of it, an investment in the kingdom of God will pay bigger dividends than anything else you can do with it. ...... Similar Editorial : Your Financial Future by G. White. | Source : Financing Small Business Loan
Creative Cell Phone Savings How would you like to cut your cell phone bill by 75% or more? Don't think its possible? It might be, but you have to be creative.If you don't use your phone all that much, you're probably paying way more than you need to. If you've looked around at rate plans from most of the providers, you know it's difficult to find a rate plan for less than $39.99 a month. By the time you pay all the fees and...... Similar Editorial : GPS Cell Phone by Roberto Sedycias. | Source : Cell Phone Plans Free
Make Money & Maintain It Some people are able to make a lot of money, while others are not. Through Scripture, we see that some people have God-given skills to accomplish certain tasks. But those who don't make money easily can still develop the skill. So the question is, how do you develop the skill?To answer that question, we need to go back to the Scriptures and study the craftsmen who built the temple. These men were...... Similar Editorial : Does Money Make Money by Colin Dunbar. | Source : Dollar Coin Prices
3 Rules You Need To Know About 401ks Before You Change Jobs People are bouncing from job to job a lot more than they used to. It's uncommon to find someone who has stayed with a company for more than five years. That means a lot more people have to deal with 401k issues than ever before. If you want to make the most of your 401k when you switch jobs, make sure you follow these rules:Rule #1 -- Never cash out your 401k just because you're changing companies...... Similar Editorial : Against the Rules by Adam Nowak. | Source : Sep Roth Ira
Common My Way Home Dont let your drive to be a millionaire consume you, though, as there are a lot of things that are much more important. And make sure youre giving as much as you can along the way.... Similar Editorial : Build My Own Home by Chang Wee Teo. | Source : management and finance
Creating Value In Business However, it must be remembered that coming from the outside it is always easier to see and understand the concept and after all, it is their money that is being spent... Similar Editorial : Build My Own Home by Chang Wee Teo. | Source : Good Marriage