Removing Inaccurate Information From Your Credit Reports I want to explore the one of the most important action you can take to increase your credit scores: removing inaccurate negative information from your three credit reports.Be warned: should you decide to tackle this process yourself, it can be time consuming and frustrating.What the Credit Reporting Agencies are Legally Required to do on Your Behalf when You AskThe credit reporting agencies are...... Similar Editorial : Credit Reports by G Marwick. | Source : National Credit Score
Asking To Raise Credit Limits Can Lower Credit Scores One of the quickest methods to raise your credit scores is to just increase the credit limits on your credit cards. As long as you avoid temptation, and don't max out your new limits!What is the best way to request a higher credit limit? There's a smart way to do it and a not-so-smart way.Asking for the Credit Limit IncreaseWere you aware that when we ask for a higher credit limit, our credit...... Similar Editorial : Better Credit Scores by Jed Jones. | Source : Repair Your Credit
Five Mistakes To Avoid After Bankruptcy She was beautiful.One look and that's all she wroteI wanted her and nothing was going to stop me.I was determined.Her body glistened in the sun. Her looks could kill.She was every young man's dream...Of course I'm referring to the used, red, Mazda Miata I tried so desperately to finance shortly after my bankruptcy.She captured my heart...and that was the problem. Common sense went out the window...... Similar Editorial : Internet Mistakes to Avoid by timdillard. | Source : Tn Bankruptcy Court
The Six Questions Lenders Will Ask You After Your Bankruptcy When I first began applying for credit after my bankruptcy I noticed a trend.Lenders would ask me the same series of questions over and over again. They all seemed to care about a few key things. Of course, now I realize they were trying to quickly assess if I was creditworthy or not. You see, after you file bankruptcy, lenders will be very cautious when considering if they should extend you credit...... Similar Editorial : Mortgage Lenders by Dorothy Miller. | Source : Fillable Bankruptcy Forms
Credit Card Over Limit Your strategy should be to have the highest limit and the lowest balance possible.Rest assured, if you have a 1,000 credit limit on one of your credit cards and you increase your limit to 2,500?the unused 1,500 in no way hurts your FICO scores... Similar Editorial : America Credit Card Services by Bigtaker0816. | Source : Low Interest Rates Credit Cards