Build Rapport Through Buzzwords What if I told you that you could be more influential and powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing? To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before t...... Similar Editorial : Build or Buy by Mohamed Rabea. | Source : Mental Self Help
Make Mistakes! Its Okay. Really! When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're s...... Similar Editorial : The Worst PR Mistakes by Robert A. Kelly. | Source : Mental Self Help
Ready? Go! Tweak. Let's set the scene. You're in a packed stadium. It's the Olympics and you're watching the 100-metre sprint. You're up in the nosebleed section and you see what resembles little "ants" stretching on ...... Similar Editorial : Are You Ready by Stephen Currier. | Source : Mental Self Help
Finding Your Yellow Brick Road To Success Do you recall the wonderment of the "Wizard of Oz?"? It's a fantastic story of Dorothy and her dog, Toto, lost in a bizarre world of little people, witches, flying monkeys and wizards.? She is swept away by a large, black, ominous twister and transported to a foreign place.? And even though she is completely out of her element and has no idea how to return to that little farm in Kansas, the...... Similar Editorial : Why Your Brick by Kelly Kyrik. | Source : Success Strategy
Winning The Gold In Life There's not an event anywhere that brings numerous countries, cultures, and people together like the Olympics.? Each country sends its best and brightest.? These phenomenal athletes get to showcase their extraordinary gifts and talents on a worldwide stage.? Every team and individual athlete displays the pride and spirit of their beloved homeland.? The thrill of the games, the camaraderie of the...... Similar Editorial : A Winning Domain Name by Debra Gravelle. | Source : Balance Life
Power Of "WHY" The most powerful question one can ask is simple, short, andeffective. “Why?” is probably one of the most commonly heardquestions and, not only one of the most difficult to answer, butalso the most difficult to satisfy. We like to call "Why?" ahelper question. "Why" is a question that can help steer theconversation into your critical path and towards the answer thatyou're seeking.When one asks ...... Similar Editorial : The Power of Ice by Louise Roach. | Source : Definition Of Effective Communication
Seeking Success? Start Now! Have you wanted to accomplish something for a long time but have had trouble starting? Was it because you didn't know what to do? Or maybe you weren't "in the mood"? Or perhaps you told yourself, "not today, maybe tomorrow." Well, you're failing yourself and let me tell you why.We all love to use excuses to justify our behavior. "I'm too tired...I'm busy...I don't have enough time," or the best of...... Similar Editorial : Seeking Initiative and Innovation by Jim McCormick. | Source : Success Strategy
Success-Seeker Vs Failure-Evader. Which Side Are You On? Individuals are more motivated to avoid failure than they are motivated to achieve success. Put another way, most people aren't motivated to finish in first place as much as they're motivated to not finish in last place. Are you looking to achieve success or to avoid failure?There are those who are motivated to succeed ("Success-Seekers") and then there are those who are motivated to avoid failure...... Similar Editorial : Your Success by Frank Schmidt. | Source : Success Strategy
How To Persuade Yourself And Others Have you ever watched a TV program where the supporting actor hasa grand idea only to find the lead actor immediately repeat theidea as if it were his own?You've probably experienced it yourself! It goes something like: Friend: "I've got it! We should go to Sparky's for dinner!" You: "Hmm... how about we go to Sparky's for dinner?" Friend: "That's what I just said!" You: "No you didn't!" Well,...... Source : Educators For Social Responsibility
Make Mistakes! Its Okay. Really! You have permission to publish this article electronically or inprint, free of charge, as long as the byline below is included. Acourtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. =========================Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from yourmistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the buttthat...... Similar Editorial : The Worst PR Mistakes by Robert A. Kelly. | Source : How To Raise Self Confidence
The Magic Of Inspiration Most of us grew up hearing the fairy-tale story of "Jack and the Beanstalk" and how Jack traded the family cow for some magic beans.? Initially, it appeared that a con artist duped Jack, but the wealth he and his family obtained from this wild happenstance proved to be just what they needed.? The spirit of wanting something better and the yearning to take care of loved ones drove Jack to put aside...... Similar Editorial : The Magic of Keep by Nancy Jackson. | Source : Time Management How To
Be A Superhero In The Workplace Did you ever wake up on a Saturday morning and race to the television, in the family room, to watch your favorite cartoon?? There was usually a superhero that you adored and wanted to emulate.? Your favorite hero either had x-ray vision, super human strength, unrecordable speed, or flying capabilities.? And after watching your show, you would run around the house with a large bath towel tied...... Similar Editorial : Ethics In The Workplace by Myron Curry. | Source : Time Management How To
Dealing With Everyday Family Problems With A Smile Families are made up of complex interpersonal relationship and with so many different personalities, needs, and interactions, problems are going to arise. It's inevitable! Whether there is tension between a mother and a father about who does what for the kids or between parents and children because of the rules of the house, conflicts naturally arise. We can choose to deal with our families and...... Similar Editorial : GPS For Everyday People by Simon Wyryzowski. | Source : Family Crest Of Arms
Dont You Ever Stop Imagine how good it will feel to know that you will be able to finish everything you start, and imagine how pleased those around you will be, too!There are simply so many benefits to using motivation...... Similar Editorial : Accident In The Workplace by Helen Cox. | Source : Web Design Development Uk