Music For Nothing And Your Tracks For Free Around the globe, the record industry has gone on the offensive and who can blame them? Faced with numerous peer-to-peer networks and bit torrent clients, it has never been easier for individuals to obtain music for free. Having given birth to the term “illegal downloading”, the ... Similar Editorial : Web Tracks by shanty1024. | Source : Instruments of Music
The Birth Of Legal Music Downloads In recent years, less people have been buying CDs and many are now downloading music online. This is due to the emergence of music download sites like Napster, and the rising popularity of MP3 players from iPod and other similar companies. People are now choosing downloads over CDs because of ... Similar Editorial : Legal Music Downloads by Mike Ber. | Source : Most Popular Songs
Memories And Juke Boxes Go Hand In Hand I often spent my free time hanging out after school in the poolhall in our small town. Even though it had quite a few business names through the years, it had always been known as the poolhall. Once it had also been a bar but when I was a teen they no longer served alcohol on the first floor. ... Similar Editorial : Lend A Hand by Janice Byer, CCVA, MVA. | Source : Celebrity Movie
Some Awesome Music To Listen To People can now find more and more ways to find great music to listen to, and the options for how they can listen to that music are growing. The Internet is teeming with great music, which is the same stuff that is available in your local music store. Before the Internet, you had to purchase yo... Similar Editorial : Listen to your Body by Tina Rideout. | Source : Celebrity Movie
My First Billy Joel Album I am proud to declare that I am a huge Billy Joel fan. In fact, I still cherish my first Billy Joel album. That album is not a CD but an old vinyl record. The kind that my kids think should be used as plates. I can still vividly recall the day I bought my first Billy Joel album. I was as small... Similar Editorial : Scrapbooking Album by John Foster. | Source : Celebrity Movie
Music Editing Software Can Create Sweet Sounds Recently, I received a CD from my friend, George. The CD was full of songs he had mixed himself on his laptop. I was expecting to hear a CD full of music that sounded hacked together since he used cheap music editing software. However, when I listened to the CD, I was stunned by the quality he... Similar Editorial : Editing Writing Software by Gil Lavitov. | Source : Celebrity Movie
Americas Infatuation With Hollywood Stars I am sure we all are infatuated with Hollywood stars. From the time of the birth of the movie capital of the world, Hollywood, we cannot take our eyes off these charming people. They can even be called the Royal Family of America if this is not too insolent. Unfortunately, the infatuation with... Similar Editorial : Hollywood Diet Plan by Prasanth S. | Source : Best Rock Bands
The Evolution Of Legal Music Downloads Music companies and artists were enraged years ago by Napster, a website that allowed online enthusiasts to download and share music without any charge. As a result record sales dipped and many companies lost millions. People figured that since you can get songs from the internet, there was no... Similar Editorial : Legal Music Downloads by Mike Ber. | Source : New Music Reviews
A Look At What Makes A Blockbuster Movie A Blockbuster movie cannot be mistaken. They really have something special, which is hard to say about other films that we are saddled with. A vast number of movie productions simply cannot be taken seriously, unless they show us something really meaningful. Nowadays that is so hard to find. P... Similar Editorial : Its A Wonderful Movie by Stephen Schochet. | Source : New Music Reviews
The Life And Legacy Of John Denver When I hear the name John Denver, I always think of Colorado. John Denver is a talented American singer, musician, and song maker. John Denver is famous all over the world. His music is known to have been inspired by his home state and the beautiful Rocky Mountain landscape. When Denver was bo... Similar Editorial : John of God by . | Source : Movie Plot Summary
A Review Of Blade Runner And Other Sci-Fi Favorites When watching Blade Runner you should try not to compare the movie with the book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? That’s a book written by the best science fiction writer of all time, Philip K. Dick. The mechanical pets are absent but there is a monologue discussing the absence of real an... Similar Editorial : A Review of by Andrea Pellettiere. | Source : Film Review
The Magic Mandolin Lesson I recently got my youngest son a mandolin lesson. He has never played the mandolin before but I think he really liked the experience and we were both very excited about it. I should admit that I have always pushed him a little harder to play music. I didn't know if it would happen or not, tho... Similar Editorial : Lesson 2 by Rob Rawson. | Source : Film Review
The Tao Of Carmen Electra Carmen Electra is a well-known American entertainer, model, television personality and actress. She has her toes and in many different performance fields but has never achieved breakout success in any single one of them. She is better known for her racy and flamboyant antics than for anything ... Similar Editorial : Electra Cruiser Bikes by natisha. | Source : Film Review
The Sweet Melodies Of A Nature Sounds Alarm Clock What is the thing that wakes you up each morning? Is it the sun that blinds you? Or is it the brutal ringing of the alarm clock? It doesn't matter what makes your eyes open but you would certainly prefer to wake up gently without any brute force. Just imagine how much better it would be if a ... Similar Editorial : Buying an Alarm Clock by Toby Russell. | Source : Film Review
The Role Of Major Record Labels In Music Have you ever thought how important music has become for us? I cannot remember a day when I didn’t hear any music at all. I love the stuff. You might have a collection of CDs, or albums, or you simply turn on the radio while commuting to work. Have you ever considered how the music gets to you... Similar Editorial : Printed Asset Labels by markstephens. | Source : Musicians Guide
6 Inch Stiletto Heels Given the nature of usage of stiletto heels 150 only in select occasions, you can expect to keep the shoes for at least a few years, justifying your investment... Similar Editorial : 1 4 Inch Scale by Candy Brooks. | Source : fact about women
A Review Of Tim Hortons Coffee I was given the opportunity to try Tim Hortons coffee when I took a vacation in the Great White North about a month ago. You probably know that this franchise is pretty much a Canadian institution. Finding an adult in Canada who had never had Tim Hortons coffee before is the same as finding an adult... Similar Editorial : fantastic international coffee review by Petermason. | Source : T Coffee
Finding The Perfect Chocolate Cake Recipe It is quite simple to find a great chocolate cake recipe nowadays. You can turn to a lot of amazing concoctions that will surely produce tasty results. You can visit many places to locate these recipes as will. There’s a chance that you will find the right recipe if you consider the tastes of those ... Similar Editorial : Yummy Chocolate Cake Recipe by Paul Zayer. | Source : Carrot Cake
Some Tasty Beef Jerky Recipes Beef jerky was not originally considered as a snack food because they were a necessity. Folks used to cook recipes of beef jerky to help them survive the long travels in the wilderness. They also used beef jerky recipes if they had to find a way to keep meat edible through the winter. Since there wa... Similar Editorial : Tasty Vegan Muffin Recipes by Rex Magnum. | Source : Meat Recipes
Drink In The Benefits Of Green Tea A lot of people these days are trying to maintain their good health. Medical experts always tell us that we should take better care of ourselves if we want to live a longer life. The problem is that there’s so much conflicting information about what is and isn’t good for us. However, there seem to b... Similar Editorial : Hidden Benefits of Green Tea by Chris Jensen. | Source : Ceylon Tea
Hershey Chocolate - The All American Treat I've grown up around the famous Hershey chocolate because I live only thirty minutes away from Hershey, Pennsylvania. It is probably flowing through my veins because I've eaten so much of it. This company has created many different varieties of chocolate as the years have moved forward and continu... Source : Belgian Chocolates
Chicago Pizza Is A Whole New Experience If you live in or near Chicago, then you are probably aware that there is nothing like a Chicago pizza. You cannot just call any pizza a Chicago pizza because it is made in a special way. To put it simply, this type of pizza is a deep dish. Now, I’m not talking about the stuff Pizza Hut calls deep d... Similar Editorial : The Coffee Experience by Liz Canham. | Source : Pizza Hat