Mike Scantlebury is an Internet Author with novels, stories and educational material to his credit. Currently domiciled in the Queen of the North - Manchester, England - he finds time away from football to exercise and give advice. The extract above is from a book on diets he is currently writing, which will only be available on subscription. Sign up at his download web site, http://www.mikescantlebury.biz
Internet Authors Dont Need Friends There are plenty of resources out there for people who want to write a book, or people who have written one and want to see it published. Websites like Lulu will provide facilities for you to upload your files and turn them into a format that will allow 'print on demand'. Before you know it,... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Writing Advice
Internet Authors Dont Need Needs Okay, so you're an aspiring author or a wannabe writer and you're staring at the blank white page, wondering what to put on it. What would be the best thing to write about? What are publishers looking for? Hmm, tough question. I know, check out a few websites. Look at the home sites of well-... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Writing Reviews
Internet Authors Dont Need Prospectors In Britain, we're having a big debate about the Health Service. People have finally realised that doctors aren't in the business of 'health' at all - they're in the illness business. They have no duty to keep people well. They simply wait around for them to get sick, then step in and try ... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Writing Reviews
Internet Authors Dont Need Cut-Offs When our children were younger, and still at High School, we moved house. The new place was further away from the school, and they told us that there might be financial help available for us towards the cost of our kids' new bus fares, which would, of course, be more expensive. We were sent a... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Script Writing Advice
Internet Authors Dont Need Club Class If you go into any supermarket in England and inspect the fruit, you may be pleased to see that some of the apples are bagged up and labelled 'Class 1'. However, looking around, you may be surprised to note that there aren't any corresponding bags marked 'Class 2'. It seems to be Class 1 ... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Freelance Writing
Internet Authors Dont Need Nonsense Many would-be writers and aspiring authors have a very negative view of Traditional Publishers. This is often because they experience their work being rejected regularly ' often on the flimsiest of grounds ' but also it may be because, almost without fail, the 'advice' offered by the publi... Similar Editorial : Internet Authors Arent Dummies by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Publishing A Book
Internet Authors Arent Dummies There are plenty of people out there who've written a book. Maybe you're one of them. Maybe you've thought of trying to get it published, (not on the internet, but with a real, live, bricks-and-mortar publisher). OK. First step? You need advice. You trot along to your local bookshop and sta... Similar Editorial : Guitar for Dummies by iwilliam99. | Source : Writing A Novel
Internet Authors Arent Losers Ask the majority of so-called 'gurus' to talk about business or self-improvement, and here's a funny thing. They start talking about sport. That's odd. Sport isn't the same as life. It's completely different. As Brian Tracey says, in sport you get three chances to hit the baseball and th... Similar Editorial : Why Authors Should Blog by John Colanzi. | Source : Blogging Tips
Levels Of Publishing Previously in 'The 7 levels of publishing' –The First Level of Publishing is to receive a single copy of a book. The Second Level of Publishing is when you receive five copies. The Third Level of Publishing is when you want 50 copies. The Fourth Level of publishing is when you aim for sales of 500 copies. Level Five is where a single book's sales amount to five thousand copies.Traditional...... Similar Editorial : Different RAID Levels by Ronald Merts. | Source : Finding A Literary Agent
Dont Need You Lyrics No publisher that Ive ever approached has ever bothered to sieve for gold and read one of my books from cover to cover, or, in most cases, even deigned to open the envelope. So, their opinions? Mu...... Similar Editorial : Ashanti Dont Need You by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : Prospecting for Sales
Downward Spiral Nine Inch Nails Attack each item and work on each aspect of your life. Good news is that as one thing improves, so does another. You soon get onto the upward spiral, and that, truly, is an alternative... Similar Editorial : 1 4 Inch Scale by Candy Brooks. | Source : self help forum
Everything I Dont Need That cant happen in the obvious publishing world any more. The only arena in which its happening is in the brave new world of Internet Publishing. If youre a new writer, thats where you need to b...... Similar Editorial : 1 4 Inch Scale by Candy Brooks. | Source : writing skills checklist
Good About Me Ideas The people who agree that coal and oil are bad things, do you really think that theyre the same people who would vote for nuclear power instead? If you think you know the answer, then you deserve to...... Similar Editorial : 1 4 Inch Scale by Candy Brooks. | Source : self improvement download
I Dont Need Friends Thats a lonely stance, but a necessary one, and it is inherent in being a writer. At that point, it doesnt count how many friends youve got. Its just words on paper, and they better be good... Similar Editorial : How To Speed Clean by Mike Scantlebury. | Source : writing skills syllabus