Marie Magdala Roker is a mother, an Academic and Personal Development Coach, and a Certified Breakthrough Parenting Instructor, and a private tutor with
Ten Ways To Save Your Sanity During The Holidays 1. Set limits for yourself. If you feel overwhelmed with shopping, cooking and visiting relatives don't add more to your plate. Take 10-15 minute breaks to take e a walk, meditate, read, pray or just...... Similar Editorial : Sanity Check by . | Source : Tips for Families
Ten Tips To Help You Save Your Sanity During The Holidays 1. Set limits for yourself.If you feel overwhelmed with shopping, cooking and visiting relatives don't add more to your plate. Take 10-15 minute breaks to take e a walk, meditate, read, pray or just sit still. Don't let anyone guilt you into doing something you don't want to do. Be firm with family and friends about your need to take a break.Good resource: http://www.relaxandbreathe.com2. Shop...... Similar Editorial : Sanity Check by . | Source : Christmas Carols Songs