Louise Roach has been instrumental in the development of SnowPack, a patented cold therapy that exhibits the same qualities as ice. SnowPack offers two Body-n-Ice Kits that make perfect Get-Fit Gifts by themselves. They’re a great idea for soccer families and active Baby Boomers, plus everyone in between. For more information visit: http://www.snowpackusa.comsnowpack@ix.netcom.com
Holiday Health: Give Get-Fit Gifts ‘Tis the season to celebrate -- and a time to eat! Most of us gain a few pounds during the holiday season. With family dinners, holiday parties and gift baskets loaded with goodies, who thinks of sta...... Similar Editorial : Holiday De by Deborah Shelton. | Source : Health Tips
Never Too Old! At age 47, Martina Navratilova returned to Wimbledon and represented the United States at the 2004 Athens Olympics. In September, seventy-three year old Ed Whitlock shattered his own world age class ...... Source : Healthcare Guide
Which To Use When: Ice Or Heat? Knee pain after running? Wake up with a backache? Twist an ankle? When aches, pain, strains or swelling take place due to an injury or chronic condition, what is the best course of action: ice or...... Source : A Healthy Lifestyle
Cool Down With Hot Summer First-Aid When the temperature tops 90 and the soles of your shoes sizzle on the sidewalk, cold therapy is a necessity for summer first-aid. Whether it is ice from your freezer, a bag of frozen vegetables or ...... Similar Editorial : More Cool Web Tricks by Jim Edwards. | Source : Women Health
The Baby Boomer Athlete Are you a Baby Boomer? If you were born between the years of 1946 to 1964, you are part of the 79.1 million Boomers, comprising 29 percent of the total US population. According to the AARP, every s...... Similar Editorial : Baby Boomer Redemption by Ed Howes. | Source : Health Hints
Why R.I.C.E.? What is R.I.C.E. and why do you need it? One of the most recommended icing techniques for reducing inflammation and treating minor injuries is R.I.C.E., an acronym for rest, ice, compression and ele...... Source : Health Hints
The Power Of Ice Using ice to treat injuries is one of the oldest methods of pain control. Proven to be safe and effective at reducing swelling, relieving pain and decreasing muscle spasms, ice therapy is an easy se...... Similar Editorial : 10 Power by Rudy Cline. | Source : Health Hints
The Pain Factor Last year I told an acquaintance that at the age of 46, I had taken up running. The reply was, “Oh, that’s awfully hard on your knees.” At first I was taken aback. Yes, I knew if I didn’t stretch,...... Similar Editorial : The Likeability Factor by Linda Matias. | Source : Healthcare Resource
Post-Hiking Pain Calves are burning, knees hurt and legs feel like Jello. After a major hike, the body is asking, “why the torture?” How to deal with post-hiking pain and recovery is something every hiker faces as ...... Similar Editorial : What Are My Post by Michael Waddington. | Source : Sports Tip
Sports First Aid Kits Note This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical information. Always seek medical assistance in the event of a serious injury... Similar Editorial : Camping First Aid Kits by Nicole Munoz.