Jude Wright is the owner of '9 Weeks to Weight Loss' at 9WeekstoWeightLoss.com. Stop by and get your free report, 'Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself.'
Is Being Fat Your Fault? Why is it that some people can eat whatever they want, never exercise and still look slim and trim? Then, there is the rest of us who have to watch every crumb we put in our mouths, have to exercise daily and still never reach the weight we want? It's not fair, is it?... Similar Editorial : Its Not Your Fault by John Assaraf. | Source : Weight Loss Tips
Rapid-Fire Decision Making For EBusiness Owners Two e-business partners were working together to start their business. The senior partner was out at a meeting with a vendor. The junior partner was serving some of the online customers. At one point, the senior partner's cell phone rang. He answered it. It was the junior partner saying, "A custom... Similar Editorial : Rapid Authoring Of E by Mike Alcock. | Source : Doing Business Online
Your End Of Month Report A friend of mine was in the business world for a long time before she left it to become a small business owner. I watched her immediate and incredible success in a field that I thought may have been over-saturated by other business owners.I asked her for the secrets of her success and sh... Similar Editorial : 1 Month Baby by Chris Lakatos. | Source : Cover Letter Guide
Essential Tips For Choosing Exercise Equipment Exercise equipment is a must-have once you want to progress beyond walking or jogging. This is especially true if you don't have time to go to a gym for exercising. Just like everything else, the quality of the equipment you buy depends on the price you want to pay. You can get exercise... Similar Editorial : Abdominal Exercise Equipment by Luke T. Axton. | Source : How to Exercise
The Many Causes Of Obesity There is a big difference between being a bit overweight and being obese. Obesity is "an over-accumulation of fat that interferes with the function of our bodies." Obesity is defined as having excessive fat in body tissues. Obesity increases the risk for many health conditions, including diabetes,... Similar Editorial : Deal with Obesity by Rene Graeber. | Source : Weight Loss Supplements
Do You Really Have To Ban Dessert? One of the first things that is always added to the "I can't have" list when starting a diet is dessert. Such things as cheesecake, chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes and cookies have been forbidden. Of course, when you know you can't have it, that's when you want it the most!So, when s... Similar Editorial : Dessert Tips by News Canada. | Source : Weight Loss Supplements
The Dog Feeding Dilemma: What Kind And How Much? You've just brought your new dog or puppy home. Now, what do you feed it?Just like humans, dogs need good nutrition to keep them happy and healthy. Most veterinarians recommend dry dog food over canned food. It has been determined that dry food has more nutritional value than canned foo... Similar Editorial : Feeding the Hummingbirds by LeAnn R. Ralph. | Source : Pet Insurance
How To Give Your Cat Medicine Have you ever tried to medicate a cat? If you have, you probably have a few scratches to prove it! Cats only want to do something if it's their idea. And, it's never their idea to have a pill pushed down their throat. So, how do you manage getting that medicine into his body without coming out on ... Similar Editorial : Vibrational Medicine by Simon Mitchell. | Source : Pet Food
The Role Of Lighting In Interior Decorating The types of lighting used in a room can dramatically change the way that room looks. Lighting can be a complicated issue, so let's start by defining some lighting terms.Incandescent lights. These lights give a nice, golden glow to a room. They are much nicer to use than the cheaper loo... Similar Editorial : Interior Decorating by scott1. | Source : Interior Decorating Ideas
Getting More Exercise Can Lead To More Restful Sleep The amount of physical exercise you get during the day is one of the key ingredients in enabling you to fall asleep at night and get a good night's rest. The more active you are during the day, the faster you will fall asleep at night and the more well-rested sleep you will get.By ... Similar Editorial : Sleep Tip by News Canada. | Source : Health Fitness Tips
Selecting The Right Weight Loss Program Some people don't need a formal weight loss program, as they can summon the willpower, conduct the research, and perform the required actions independently to achieve their weight loss goals and lifestyle changes. However, others can benefit and even need the support, guidance, and helping han... Similar Editorial : Weight Loss Program by mmano229. | Source : Medical Weight Loss
Flexibility Training Is Essential Flexibility training involves maximizing the range of motion and stability of your muscles by performing a series of exercises. You can receive the benefits of improved blood flow in your muscles and have a lower risk of injury when working out or moving heavy objects.There are thre... Similar Editorial : Flexibility and Stretching by Clinton Walker. | Source : Stomach Exercise
There Are Many Solid Ways To Be Fit And Healthy Aristotle helped define the standards of fitness 2,500 years ago when he said that a thing that suits its purpose is fit. The cardiovascular system, lungs, skeleton, muscles, endocrine system, and all the other components of our bodies function for our purpose, which is to live well.... Similar Editorial : Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port. | Source : Appetite Suppressant
Formatting - A Publishers Point Of View Formatting - A Publisher's Point of View(c) 2004, Jude WrightDo you format and spell check your ads and articles?Speaking from an advertiser's point of view, if you don't,your ads and articles may not get published. And not just byme. I know a lot of publishers who just "delete" thoseunformatted ads and those articles with tons of misspelledwords.Speaking strictly from a newsletter publisher's...... Source : Find Isbn Book
Are Credit Cards Killing Your Budget? Credit cards can get you in trouble financially faster than you can say, "I want a credit card." Many people get in over their heads within just a few weeks or months.If you are having trouble paying your credit card bills and are getting "failure to pay" notices, you might be starting panic. Well, don't panic yet. There are some things that you can do right away to get your finances back in order...... Similar Editorial : Five Copy Killing Mistakes by Kelly Robbins. | Source : Credit Union Mastercard
The Story Of Coffee Coffee is very important to many people these days. It used to be that you had to travel a good distance to get a decent cup of coffee or a good cappuccino. Recently, that has all changed. Coffee is the "buzz" word these days. Even if you can't take the caffeine, you can still have your cup of co... Source : Coffee Mugs Restaurant
Dinner With Mexican Cooking When you think of Mexican food, do tacos come naturally to your mind? Well, Mexican cooking includes much more than fast food. There are many different varieties of Mexican cooking that have been influenced by other areas of the world such as Southwestern and Tex Mex and California Mexican styles.If... Similar Editorial : Dinner Recipes for Your Family by Peterhallway. | Source : Italian Dinner Party
Kitchen Terms You Need To Know Kitchen vocabulary is full of different words for different functions. Here's a list of those you need to know.Terms Applied to Food:Cube. Cutting food into cubes means to cut them in about 1-inch square pieces.Dice. To dice foods, means to cut up into smaller cubes - between 1/4 and 1/2 inch squar... Similar Editorial : The Glossary of Wine Terms by Muna Wa Wanjiru. | Source : Grinder Polisher
Its All About The Egg Eggs are one of the most nutritious and versatile foods that there is. They can be eaten fried, baked or as an ingredient in everything from main dishes to desserts. Eggs can be either brown or white - the color does not change the quality or the flavor.