On Being A Born Leader "Leaders are born, not made." Right? Let me ask you a question: do you believe that? I'll give you mine: I *don't* believe it. AND HERE'S WHY... Reason Number One: Look Around You Look at the mi...... Similar Editorial : A Star Is Born by Sylvie Charrier. | Source : Creative Problem Solving
Get More Personal Most folks who know me, know that when people write me I always like to write back and show how much I appreciate the message. I do stay busy, but taking the time to write back is something that's ve...... Similar Editorial : Personal Web by Irina Webster. | Source : Self Determination Articles
Commit It To Paper Commit it to paper - You have the idea so therefore you have within you the ability to make it a reality. Admittedly it may not always be obvious, but rest assured deep down you're capable. The catc...... Similar Editorial : Research Paper by Ranjith. | Source : Negative People
Keep Your Goals Clearly In Mind Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your g...... Similar Editorial : Realistic Goals by Sue and Chuck DeFiore. | Source : Joy of Life
Reach Out For Your Dreams Why are we afraid to chase our dreams... Why does one person find it difficult to set out and achieve that which they desire, while others can some how set out, without so much a care in the world. What makes some people achievers, while others remain simply dreamers.Is it the difference in their internal makeup? Is it in the way they were raised? The environment they grew up in? When one studies...... Similar Editorial : Reach Out To Billions by Tony Dean. | Source : Assertive
Share Little Random Acts Of Kindness According to a new survey carried out by Alliance & where ID_NUM=9270;Leicester, one in five small business owners view tax astheir greatest concern. The Chancellor has announced in hislast budget that companies with profits below œ10,000 willnot have to pay any corporation tax with effect from 1 April2002. The question to be asked is: does that announcementmake incorporation a more attractive...... Similar Editorial : Random Whimsy by Dan Lok. | Source : Assertive
Whistle While You Work Mark Twain (1835-1910) believed that having fun is important if you want to be successful. "The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."Mark Twain must have had fun as a writer. His sense of fun emerges in his stories. He clearly enjoyed his work as a writer. No wonder he lived to a good age for those days. He learned as a boy how to turn work into a vacation. I owe the following...... Similar Editorial : Work Is A Four by Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE. | Source : Goal Setting Worksheet
My First Year As A Network Marketer TEN LESSONS FROM A SURVIVOR! My First Year As A Network Marketer (?Lee Wise 2002) I'm not on television. You won't find meon an island voting someone else off. Idon't even want to be there! But I am a survivor ... of sorts. I have survived my first year in the networkmarketing business. I've lived to tell thestory and I still enjoy it! I'm either nuts,persistent ... or both!! You can decide which...... Similar Editorial : Network Marketer by instantcash. | Source : Multi Level Marketing
William Hung American Idol Success Story Never underestimate the power that comes from following your passion. It never ceases to amaze me what can happen when we put action to work for us and go after the things that we hold a true desire for. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the story of William Hung (www.williamhung.net) or not.William was a contestant on the reality TV show, American Idol. Incidentally, I should tell you I don't...... Similar Editorial : American Idol Season 2 by Jennifer Jordan. | Source : Successful Presentation
A Hobby As A Release If you haven't done so already I highly recommend looking for something you enjoy doing. Then start spending a little time each week working on it. I'd like to point out that it doesn't have to necessarily be a monumental undertaking. Nor does it have to be something you plan to make a living doing (Although many a person hasfound that it leads to this).Perhaps it is something like starting a...... Similar Editorial : Business or Hobby by Direct Selling Women's Association. | Source : Collections Coins