John Young is a writer and cat lover who has owned one cat or another ever since he was four (or, maybe they owned him). His book "Your New Cat's First 24 Hours", , is written for new and veteran cat owners who want to smoothly introduce a new cat to their household and care for her thereafter.
5% Down Vs. 10% Down - A Comparison It has always been an issue for home buyers to save their down payment. Many people, on advice from various people wait to save 10%, rather than moving into the home sooner with 5% as a down payment ...... Source : Financial Planning
What Do You Really Want ? Being a coach is such a rewarding profession. The enormous impact you have on other people's lives always astounds me. Let me share with you John's story… John is a partner in a financial planning pr...... Source : Finance
Unleash Your True Potential Some time ago I attended a birthday party and met a young guy who just happened to be 30. I say young because when you're 47, that is a young age! He told me about his career in a major corporate com...... Similar Editorial : Reaching Your Potential by Jeff Hagen. | Source : Business Opportunity
Peace Breaks Out In that spring of 1946, when he heard the Bauser boys were back from the navy, Daddy hired one of them to help with spring plowing. He didn't give Barry Bauser any instructions. Everyone knows how ...... Similar Editorial : Luxury Hotel Breaks by R. Richmond. | Source : Family Life
Drunks On The Set As long as actors stay sober on the set, movie studios will generally put up with their off screen behavior. Colin Farell often showed up at six in the morning to work on Swat (2003) so hung over fr...... Source : Food Lovers Guide
Skin Cancer - A Reminder We need to get alerted: skin cancer is the most popular cancer. Every year, more than 1,000,000 skin cancer cases are diagnosed and tens of thousands of skin cancer patients die in the U.S. alone. Th...... Similar Editorial : Myths About Skin Cancer by pilkster. | Source : A Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Aging - Surviving In Todays World (NC)-The older we get, the faster life moves. Unfortunately, as our body ages, we take on the strain of our years. Keeping pace in a hectic world can take its toll. Elderly people need to use extra c...... Similar Editorial : Better Aging by Susan Dunn. | Source : Cheap Health Insurance
24 Hours Season 3 Even with the best preparation by a knowledgeable owner, a cat may still want to hide for awhile. And if you discover thats the case?You need to know what to do... Similar Editorial : Better Aging by Susan Dunn. | Source : Getting Cats To Get Along
Cover Letter For A Job and the step beyond that. to call you for an interview.Excise the disease, start over, and your phone will be ringing off the hook with invitations for interviews with employers eager to hire you... Similar Editorial : Cover Letter For A Job by John Young. | Source : Cover Letter Pg. 3
Innova Senior Cat Food I found a dead rat in the living room, its neck bitten almost in half. The rat was almost as big as Tab was, but hed wrestled it down and killed it.So much for adopting kittens. Id rather take a tough old alley cat any day of the week... Similar Editorial : Cat Food Urinary Health by Martin Marks. | Source : Cats Kittens