Jennifer LB Leese is a 34-year-old mother of three from Maryland. She is a published author of several childrens fiction books, one young adult fantasy book, and a paranormal romance novel. Leese also freelances children's non-fiction books for book distribution and packaging companies.She reviews childrens books for several online magazines, including her own It's Only Ink! Children's Book Reviews, as well as for Fiction Forum, Preschool Entertainment, Gotta Write Network, The Best Reviews, and Midwest Book Review. Jennifer is also a freelance copyeditor for Writers Exchange E-Publishing, as well as for individual authors and publishers. Leeses experience comes from the above as well as from her published books and articles, and from her professional book reviews and columns.As half of JV Harlee, Leese writes gothic, fantasy novels for teenagers with published author Valerie Hardin. Their first book is "Gargoyle Tears".Leese lives in Maryland with her three children, Nicholas, Cameron, and Jordan. She volunteers regularly at her children's school where she heads the Bester Elementary PTA as Vice President. Married fourteen years to the love of her life, Jennifer knew she would marry Thom the moment she laid eyes on him.
Variety...even Children Need It Books and children should go hand in hand. There are just about as many different books as there are different children. Variety is what everyone needseven children! Here are a few fabulously writt...... Similar Editorial : Variety in Gun Safes by Robert. | Source : Dealing with Teenagers
To Do Or Not To Do: Behavioral Books For Kids If you deal with children on a regular basis, then you know that a great kid with a not-so-great behavior can disrupt activities. As a mother of three children, I understand. However, I didnt always....... Source : Dealing with Teenagers