Jay Peters is the founder of Consumer Education Group which publishes the Credit Secrets Bible (in print since 1994). To receive Free Credit Tips including http://www.TruthAboutCreditRepair.comFor media inquiries or interviews Jay may be contacted at (928) 848-1400 or email: JayPetersOnline@yahoo.com
Bad Credit Loan Tips Can you hear the doors slamming? If you have bad credit, the opportunities to get a loan at decent rates are pretty slim. The usual lenders (banks and credit unions) will slam the door in your face if you do not have a credit score well above 600. In this article, we will provide some simple tips to help you get the best deal you can.Shop around. If your neighborhood has nothing but "pay-day loan...... Similar Editorial : Auto Loan Buying Tips by Duane Lipham. | Source : Bad Credit Loans
How To Fight Unfair Debt Collection Tactics You've just sat down for dinner with the family and the phone rings. A debt collector, hassling you again. Isn't there a law? In fact, there are laws, both state and federal. But they don't prohibit debt collection companies from calling you at dinnertime. A debt collector can't threaten or harass you, contact you at "inconvenient times or places," or tell others about your debt. Here's how...... Similar Editorial : Debt Collection Protection by Carl Hampton. | Source : Clear Debt
Facts About Credit Counseling Or Debt Consolidation Of course, the hate mail is always from a few people that happen to own these "certain types" of businesses I discussed and those businesses of course are Credit Counseling or Debt Consolidation companies; of which many "claim" to be non-profit organizations.You'd almost have to be an ostrich with your head stuck in the sand to not see or hear at least one advertisement a day from a Credit...... Similar Editorial : Bad Credit Debt Consolidation by Geoff Kitkat. | Source : Debt Consolidation Loan For People With Bad Credit
Insider Techniques To Raise Your Credit Score Fast If you wish to increase your score from 580 to 650 then your strategy will be very different from someone wanting to go from 670 to 725. Why? Because you starting point is different which requires a different approach. Also, while the removal of negative items from a report will almost always lead to an increase in score, it's a basic concept at best. Therefore, within this article, we'll discuss...... Similar Editorial : Raise Your Credit Score by John Dow. | Source : Credit Consolidation Loan
Facts Consumers Should Know Before Using A Credit Repair Company People with credit problems often ask me when it comes to improving their credit score whether they should hire a credit repair company or do it themselves? Unfortunately, there is no simple or universal answer to this question. However, I will shed some light on the subject if you're in need of a little enlightenment.According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) "Everything a credit repair...... Similar Editorial : Credit Repair Company by Justin Hutto. | Source : Credit Consolidation Loan
Is Your Credit Score Costing You A Fortune? We all know a low credit score will make everything in the world of finance more expensive because of higher interest rates from lenders due to being considered a greater credit risk (i.e. higher interest rates on car, homes and credit cards). While this may be considered common knowledge by some, it's truly devastating effects are understood by few.For example. If you purchase a $200,000 home on...... Similar Editorial : Credit Score by Mike Johnson. | Source : Credit Consolidation Loan
Signing Credit Application For Women If you are married (or plan to be) I will share with you five vital keys every married person should know before signing any credit application.VITAL KEY #1: According to the Federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act (FECOA) creditors cannot deny consumers access to credit because of their sex. However, on average (in surveys) it's reported that women earn less money than men. Regardless of what the...... Similar Editorial : Credit Card Application by Aaron Ballantyne. | Source : Credit Card Consolidation Loan
The Truth About Creating An Alternate Credit File Well... you're right. It is too good to be true but these types of ads are now surfacing again after the Federal Trade Commission launched "Operation New ID Bad Idea" over 8 years ago. This operation targeted (and took down) over 50 credit repair organizations and companies selling consumers both pamphlets and services giving them a brand new credit file under the pretense it was 100% legal and in...... Similar Editorial : Investment in Alternate Energy by meegwell. | Source : Credit Card Consolidation Loan
The TRUTH About Credit Repair... Ads abound almost everywhere (online and off) selling books, systems and secrets to help you fix your credit in a hurry. Many of these programs have claims which read like the covers of supermarket tabloids "In 3hrs my credit score jumped from 580 to 676!"... "Erase bad credit and smash your debts with just 2 Magic Letters!". "Create a completely new credit file in 24hrs!" Are these types of...... Similar Editorial : Self Help Credit Repair by Tom Kline. | Source : Credit Card Consolidation Loan
3 Reasons Why You Should Start A Credit Repair Business If you are considering starting your own business, there is one field that you should investigate - the credit repair business. There are many reasons why, and in this article we will discuss three of them.Reason #1: The timing is right. We have all seen the headlines: "Home foreclosures skyrocket. Personal bankruptcies are on the rise. The credit squeeze is on." The number of people who are in...... Similar Editorial : Business Start Ups by Sue and Chuck DeFiore. | Source : Ideas In Business
Little Known Secrets To Building Your Credit Score Your credit score is a reflection of how potential lenders view your credit-worthiness. Earn a high score, and you will enjoy low interest rates. Suffer from a low score, and you will have trouble even getting a loan or home mortgage.You are probably tired of hearing about the same old ways of raising your credit (or FICO) score: pay your bills on time, and get negative information removed from...... Similar Editorial : Credit Score by Mike Johnson. | Source : Credit Rating Reports
Fix Your Credit Report You suspect that your credit report is not the best. When you applied for a loan recently, the lender either gave you a cold shoulder or a sky-high interest rate. But what can you do to fix the problem? In this article, we'll provide some simple actions you can take right now.Let's start at the beginning. Your credit report is basically your credit history. The three major credit bureaus write up...... Similar Editorial : Credit Report by John Mcfadden. | Source : Personal Credit Score
How To Choose A Credit Repair Manual There is no shortage of companies eager to sell you the "magic bullet" that will kill your credit problems. But credit repair is not magic-it is a serious undertaking that yields excellent results, if you select the right tools. Here are some questions you should ask before choosing a credit repair manual.Question #1: Is the information current? A manual that is full of old, outdated information...... Similar Editorial : Self Help Credit Repair by Tom Kline. | Source : Credit Score Range
How To Remove Negative Items From Your Credit We all have done something in the past to mess with our credit rating. Maybe we were late on a couple bills, or defaulted on a loan. These black marks on our credit report can really hurt us - we will pay more interest on our credit card balances, higher insurance premiums, and may have trouble getting a home loan. I wish there was a magic eraser that we could use to remove these negative items...... Similar Editorial : Are You Too Negative by Angela Booth. | Source : Low Credit Score Loans
How Merchandise Cards Can Improve Your Credit If you are suffering from a poor credit rating, there are a variety of techniques you can use to raise your score. But most take time - time you may not have. A faster way to improve your credit is by using a sub-prime merchandise card. We will discuss more about that in a minute.First, a little background on how your credit score is determined. One of the numbers that is used to generate your...... Similar Editorial : Surplus Merchandise by DR B James Bruno. | Source : Low Credit Score Loans