The Asani Wells financial group consists of ex-Bureau employees and agency solicitors who have combined years of knowledge of the credit score system into this easy to read downloadable EBOOK. Please visit for more details.
How To Obtain Excellent Credit Using Bank Loans Building credit is actually easier than you might think. It takes a little but of knowledge and the right information and you are on your way to build or acquire credit. Bank institutions always cater to people who have very good credit and they reserve their loans for these people because they are confident that the client will pay back the loan at the specified interest rate. But if you have bad...... Similar Editorial : Bad Credit Bank Accounts by Damian Sofsian. | Source : Conference Calling
The Real Truth About Credit Scoring Credit scoring is system that most creditors and business use to determine if to issue credit cards or loans to an individual. When you apply for credit, creditors reserve the right to administer a full credit check thereby checking your past credit history and your credit report. Various factors help creditors determine if to issue you credit or not.If you have bad credit or no credit at all you...... Similar Editorial : Credit Scoring Explained by Tabitha Naylor. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
No Credit Is Worse Than Bad Credit As many young American move from childhood to adulthood they are faced with a grim reality. They have no credit, and now they are classified and bunched with those who have bad credit. Any creditworthiness you acquire is directly linked with credit lines that you have on your file. Each credit line is gained when you apply for credit cards, buy a car, get a bank loan etc. So to gain a credit line,...... Similar Editorial : 401k Better or Worse by lawrence_groves. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
Credit Repair Companies Are Just Not Worth It Credit repair companies charge and arm and leg for what you can do on your own. Sometimes their charges can be as much as $1000.About 15 years ago many so called credit repair companies have sprung up out of nowhere and claim that they can fix your credit. What consumers should know is that they are taking a 50/50 chance with dealing with these firms. Some credit repair firms are legitimate and...... Similar Editorial : Credit card companies by Dee Kerr. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
Q And A About Credit And Credit Bureaus Consumers cannot repair credit score by themselves. This is actually not true. All the information that you need to erase bad credit from your bad credit file like the pros is easily accessible at online. You can also receive a free online credit report and find out your bad credit so that you can perform do it yourself credit repair.And you do not have to pay thousands to achieve a good credit...... Similar Editorial : Credit Bureaus by Justin Hutto. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
How To Open A New Credit File There are different ways to open a new credit file each of which works to help one build a new credit file and utilize simultaneously while repairing ones credit or establishing credit. This is another do it yourself credit repair technique that can increase your credit score while repairing your credit. It is a loophole in the system. In trying to fix credit most people get very frustrated...... Similar Editorial : P2P File by bgutter. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
Who Is The Credit Bureau Many people who dont know anything about credit have the feeling that the credit bureau is a government agency that works for Uncle Sam to ruin our lives but the real truth is that government agencies are just private companies that that have monopolized the credit industry. The industry is therefore run by three firms: Transunion, Esperian and Equifax. These three giants run the industry but...... Similar Editorial : Bureau Credit Report by John Mcfadden. | Source : Private Consolidation Loan
Play Cat And Mouse With Creditors Most people do not know about the Wage Earner Plan. This federal law was passed in 1938 and it is administered by the same court branch that deals with bankruptcy claims. Truth is that bankruptcy although tempting should be your last resort to getting out of debt and repairing you credit. Filing bankruptcy may help repair your credit immediately but the damage stays on your credit file for 10...... Similar Editorial : The Misbehaving Mouse by Manjula. | Source : Consolidate Private Student Loan