Disney World Events In November The year-ending holiday season is the best time to pay a visit to the Walt Disney World Resort. There are more season-specific events during this time than any other. This is great news for you if you happen to be traveling to Orlando in the upcoming month...... Similar Editorial : Disney World by murrayhl. | Source : Disney Travel Guide
Custom Knife Collecting - The System Five years ago. Michael Donato and Richard Mattei made a business decision. They were introduced to handmade custom knives and found a career. When the 28-year-old Donato and business partner Richard Mattei chose to invest in hand-made knives and earn their living as purveyors, it quickl... Similar Editorial : Grandpas Knife by Gary E. Anderson. | Source : RC Airplane
Tips On Living A More Frugal Lifestyle Living in the United States today is not without its challenges, financially speaking. In an article dated March 9, 2008 Reuters reported that the average price for gas is $3.20 per gallon and it is intended to rise over the next month. Equally disturbing, the U.S. Department of Labo... Similar Editorial : Frugal Living Tip by Jonni Good. | Source : Silver Necklace
How To Stop Hiccups The name Charles Osborne may not ring a bell to readers today. But in his time he was famous for one thing: hiccups.The Guinness World Records lists him as the man with the longest attack of hiccups. His hiccups began in 1922 at the rate of 40 times per minute and finally ended after 68 years in 1990! "It has been estimated that Osborne hiccupped 430 million times over the 68-year period. The...... Similar Editorial : What Is A Stop by pcorp2006. | Source : Lymph Edema
Notebook Features And Capabilities Computers have now become best friends of man. This magical technologically advanced device provides us with those facilities which otherwise would have been possible only in our dreams. Computers come in two forms: desktop and laptop/notebook. The second type is a more stylish, handy, and slick form of the first type. It is also known as notebook computer or simply notebook. It is considered as a...... Similar Editorial : The Bottomless Notebook by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ. | Source : Amd Laptop
The Secrets Of Superior Job Performance Napoleon Hill the author of Think and Grow Rich states for an individual to be successful, the number one trait they need is enthusiasm, "it drives a positive mind and positive action". Napoleon describes a number of other additional attributes as crucial for an individual to be deemed as a high performer, and these are:? Self discipline? The capacity to work well in a team? Tack and a...... Similar Editorial : Superior to Dreamweaver by Adam Buhler. | Source : Management Skills
Seven Secrets To Spotting Phony Resumes Phony resumes are dangerous for your health!A hospital in America recently was found negligent in hiring a kidney transplant coordinator who was unskilled in reading medical charts. As a result, a patient was given a transplant of a cancerous kidney, which resulted in his death. Only in America I hear you say, well perhaps not. Hughes and Jowitt (1996) reveal that over 37% of resumes are phony,...... Similar Editorial : Opportunity Spotting by David Drake. | Source : Sacramento Hiring
How To Make The Best Investment In A Deck Or Patio Part 1 Creating a deck or patio is a great way to enhance the value of your home and provides an excellent way to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.Upfront, Practical Suggestions:Here are seven suggestions to guarantee that your investment into a deck or a patio is done properly:1. Look at your local real estate market to ensure you're making improvements that home buyers want and will pay for (even if you...... Similar Editorial : Deck Patio Furniture by lynter. | Source : Home Painting Tips
How To Best Plan Your Deck Or Patio Addition Because a patio or deck addition is a major home improvement project, it is important to plan carefully.You should ask yourself these questions before you get started:1. Be realistic about your space needs. How many people will be using the space? Recommended livable dimensions provide for 20 sq. ft. per person-a space that is comfortable but not excessive (you don't want too much space, but you...... Similar Editorial : Deck Patio Furniture by lynter. | Source : Mississippi Board Of Contractors
The Golf Swing Phases Of Your Tee-off, Putt, Or Any Other Swing The Golf Swing: Phases Of Your Tee-off, Putt, Or Any Other SwingPicture yourself in this scene at the first tee of a golf course. * Hold the golf club loosely * Have my left thumb here * Bend my knees there * Keep my eye on the ball * Get outta here you miserable fly! * Don't talk on the tee * What was that important tip dad told me yesterday? * Good grief! Everyone is staring at me! * What did...... Similar Editorial : The Golf Swing by Joe Cavell. | Source : Dunlop Golf Clubs
The One Piece Takeaway In Your Golf Swing (pt. 1) One conscious move for your backswing? Wow! Do you mean thata main part of my backswing can be done with one simple movement?Read on to learn some needed understanding of how this can beachieved. For your short iron hits your backswing is not as long as it isfor your longer irons and woods. One conscious move, donecorrectly, is all you need to get your golf club far enough awayfrom the ball from...... Similar Editorial : The Golf Swing by Joe Cavell. | Source : Dunlop Golf Clubs