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From Now On, Europe Focuses On Dieting Pills A state of emergency has been recently put on European Union agenda. In the next ten years, European countries will be "on diet". The EU countries have to manage an alarming situation: high rate of o...... Source : Health Resource
Turn Off The Fat Genes - A Book Review Once in a while a good title comes along and "Turn Off the Fat Genes" is one of those titles that just have to be written about. If you are not familiar with Dr. Neal Barnard's work, he has been wri...... Similar Editorial : Genes Diet Plan by Gene Simmons. | Source : Womens Health
Focus On Trans Fat There's no doubt--carbohydrates have taken center stage in public discourse about dietary practices. You can't turn on the TV, open a newspaper or walk past the office water cooler these days withou...... Similar Editorial : Avoid Trans Fats by Cathrine. | Source : Healthcare Resource
Can We Really Get Rid Of Cellulite? It has been the bane of every women's existence since the dawn of time - the affliction known as cellulite. We all have it to varying degrees, and it seems to get worse as we get older in many cases....... Similar Editorial : Cellulite Treatments by . | Source : Women Tips
Lose Weight To Gain Confidence And Self Esteem To lose weight is simple. Yes, you heard it right, it is simple. All it requires is your commitment and dedicated discipline. NUTRITION - Physiologically, you have to burn 7000 calories to lose 1 kg or 2.2 pounds. You can lose those weight through a combination of decreasing caloric inta... Similar Editorial : End The Weight Gain by Anthony Thedford. | Source : How Lose Weight
Multivitamins Information One of the most currently debated issues in the supplement industry is in relation to the consumption of multivitamins and the role that they play in enhancing overall health both in and out of the gym. Can bodybuilders benefit by supplementing with extra vitamins and minerals? Let's re... Similar Editorial : DUI Law Information by DUI Information Association. | Source : Muscle Building Program
Science Behind Hoodia Gordonii In this article we will look more specifically at the science behind hoodia and how it has been studied as an appetite suppressant. We will also examine some theories on how hoodia is able to suppress your appetite. What evidence is there that Hoodia works as an appetite suppressant? ... Similar Editorial : Hoodia gordonii by | Source : Weight Loss Supplements
My Grandmother Simple Diet Plan That Works While there are many people overweight or obese people in this world who are looking for a diet plan that works, my grandmother manage to stay slim by following some guidelines in her diet. This simple weight loss dieting plan aims to achieve three things. It is to reduce the intake of c... Similar Editorial : Genes Diet Plan by Gene Simmons. | Source : Pregnancy Weight Loss
Finding The Best Weight Loss Program For You Weight loss may seem like a difficult, if not impossible, battle. Many dieters find it hard to stick to a diet, rebounding or switching diets and creating an unhealthy yo-yo effect on their weight. Most people know that frequent vacillations in weight can have a detrimental effect on the human bod... Similar Editorial : Weight Loss Program by mmano229. | Source : Healthy Weight Loss
Fit Over 40 Review If you don't quite believe that life begins at 40, just take a look at people over 50 who are super fit-all achievers in their own right and above the 40 year marker. It will change your view of ageing forever. Fit over 40 is an excellent book that showcases the art of healthy living over 40. The b... Similar Editorial : Review of by . | Source : Fitness Workout Routine
Medicare Is Missing The Obesity Target On July 16, 2004 the headline posted all over America was "WASHINGTON (AP) -- Medicare now recognizes obesity as an illness, a change in policy that may allow millions of overweight Americans to make medical claims for treatments such as stomach surgery and diet programs." ( ... Similar Editorial : Your Cat Goes Missing by . | Source : Loose Weight Tips
Finding A Nutrition Course Online With more and more people dealing with chronic illnesses, individuals are looking to learn about nutrition and really understand the principals behind how to care for each and every cell of the body through proper nutrition. The pursuit of education about nutrition is made confusing with the publica... Similar Editorial : Finding it Online by Philippa Gamse. | Source : Easy Dessert Recipes