5 Tips For Cheap Pet Insurance Like some pet owners, you could self insure your pet by saving a regular monthly amount rather than paying monthly premiums to a pet insurance company. Should your pet get sick, you will have funds available to fund some or all of the treatment cost. If you don't need to claim, the money just rolls up gaining interest and is always yours.... Similar Editorial : Cheap Car Insurance by Allan. | Source : Pet Care Tips
The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog I have always loved dogs and I can well remember my own beloved childhood friends as well as that desperate desire for my very own canine companion. Plus he is an active child who loves the outdoors and he is an only child with no children his age living nearby so a dog could be a wonderful playmate and friend.... Similar Editorial : Lessons Learned At Gunpoint by Andre Clelland. | Source : Pet Care Tips
Are You Working On Your Childs Sight Vocabulary? What is sight vocabulary?While many words in the English language can be read by emerging readers through various decoding skills or represented by picture, there are some words that simply must be learned by sight. In order to become a reader, your child must be able to instantly ... Similar Editorial : Spanish Vocabulary by Corbin Newlyn. | Source : Child Parenting
Are You Failing Your Child? Now that Noah is a month into kindergarten I am happy to report that he loves it and is thriving. Every morning he pops out of bed eager and ready to go to school. On the weekends he actually misses school although he does enjoy the opportunity to sleep in. When I drop him off in the morning h... Similar Editorial : The ADD Child by Jeanne Bauer. | Source : Parenting Teens
Writing Help: You Should Use Your Calendar To Improve Your Writing Many of my students shrug their shoulders at the beginning of the semester when I tell them that time is their best friend. Just like my students, too many writers struggle with their writing because they treat time as a four letter word. However time is not the enemy if you learn to use it wi... Similar Editorial : Writing e by Glenn Murray. | Source : Research Report Writing
Why You Should Take Part In A Writing Workshop Before you should decide whether or not taking part in a writing workshop is right for you and your writing you should first understand just what a writing workshop is.A workshop is an educational format where an expert shares information on a focused topic over a short period of t... Similar Editorial : Part 5 of 5 by Jon Kogan. | Source : Travel Writing
The Most Important Rule Of Writing I just finished a set of conferences with my students which inspired me to write about the most important rule of writing -- writing is a process.So many of difficulties struggling writers face occur when they ignore this simple rule. Once you embrace the fact that writing is a pro... Similar Editorial : The 99 Percent Rule by Greg Reid. | Source : Writing Success
The Dirty Little Writing Secret Everyone Hates To Admit Many struggling writers come to me asking what they can do to improve their writing. They continually face problems with sentence and paragraph structure as well as surface errors such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. They know the basic rules of English and can often be very effective h... Similar Editorial : Your Teen Hates You by Tammy Ryan. | Source : Writing Success
Do You Suffer From Roughdraftitis? There is an epidemic sweeping through writing groups around the globe. Day after day writers drag their weary fingers and bleary eyes into my office and beg for a cure.The symptoms they describe are all too familiar:~ Writers block~ Disorganization~ Frustrat... Similar Editorial : How Windshields Suffer Damage by David Warren. | Source : Common Grammar Mistakes
Build A Better Body As both a writer and writing instructor I often taught the importance of introductions and conclusions; however, it does not do to overlook the body of your article or essay. After all, no matter how intriguing your introduction or how compelling your conclusion is, if the body of your essay f... Similar Editorial : A Body to Go by mter9248. | Source : Literary Criticism
Self Publishing: Is This The Way To Publish Your Book? Self publishing might be the best way to publish your book. There are several advantages to self publishing that you might not have considered.First, and most important, self publishing places you firmly in control of your book. When someone else is paying you to publish your book then they make many decisions regarding the editing of the manuscript, the cover, the title and the marketing that can...... Similar Editorial : Before Publishing a Newsletter by Nancy Jackson. | Source : Printing A Book
5 Year Development Plan No matter which area of your life you intend to improve by following the steps outlined above and committing to the plan you can be assured of achieving your goals and in doing so gain more confidenc...... Similar Editorial : 3 Year Business Plan by Jeff Flow. | Source : Personal Development plan
Growing The Coffee Plant Coffee may be the favorite stimulant of people all over the world, but they may not know how those coffee beans and granules are cultivated. Some even think that they come out like the powdered instant drinks that we are so used to.
The Process Of Growing Coffee Your cup of steaming hot coffee every morning isn't something as easily prepared as you might think. Creating coffee needs more than just putting hot water and stirring sugar into it. It doesn't even come in instant granules that we are so used to.