Pick up your copy of Anna Sher's new ebook, Money Saving Weddings, and learn more invaluable tips and tricks to saving money on your wedding. And don't forget to visit Anna's blog: Wedding Planning.
The New Age Movement New Age - A Paradigm Shift to Divine Consciousness & a Universal Philosophy The New Age Movement (NAM) is a revival of spiritual and divine values and can be called as a Divine Regeneration Movemen...... Similar Editorial : Theories of Market Movement by Kelly Price. | Source : Build Self Confidence
Its Time To Start That "Swipe" File Just as great fiction is an art, so is great copywriting. Beneath the art, however, there's a foundation of basic knowledge and skills. The craft that goes into your writing. Craft comes first. Ar...... Similar Editorial : How To Start by Michael Lee. | Source : Editing Tips
How To Write A Quick & Relatively Painless Business Plan If you've never written a business plan before, the idea alone can be overwhelming. It doesn't have to be the nightmare of your imagination.Traditionally, a business plan is used to secure funding from a lender or a potential investment partner. It serves as something akin ... Similar Editorial : How To Write E by Ewen Chia. | Source : Business Management Guide
The Top Benefits Of A Treadclimber Like treadmills and elliptical machines, even the cross country ski exercise machine and the stair climber, the TreadClimber is designed to give you an effective cardio workout. But what makes it different from these other machines and how effective is it, really?Three Movements In One... Similar Editorial : Benefits to RSS by Sharon Housley. | Source : Exercise Benefits
Exhance Your Yoga Experience With The Latest Gear One of the great advantages of persuing yoga is that it doesn't require much in the way of gear. In fact, most folks can get by with nothing more than a comfortable pair of sweats and a litte open floor space. But if you're ready to get more serious about your yoga, there are some items that you m... Similar Editorial : Snowboarding Gear for Fun by Jasmine Stone. | Source : Yoga Therapy
Discover 3 Natural Remedies For Morning Sickness Here's an estimate that might shock you: as many as 80% of pregnant women experience morning sickness or some form of nausea during their pregnancy. Fortunately, the morning sickness doesn't last throughout the entire pregnancy. It tends to peak around the 9th week and disappear around the 20th we... Similar Editorial : Some Natural Allergy Remedies by teahupoo. | Source : Herbal Medicine Treatment
Dont Leave Your Doctor Out Of The Loop It doesn't have to be black and white.If you're like millions of others and prefer Alternative Medicine over traditional Western medicine, you don't have to give up one for the other. They can, and should, work together.For example, what if you were faced with these questi... Similar Editorial : Dont Ask Your Doctor by Maya Talisman Frost. | Source : Teen Health Tips
What You Dont Know About Blood Pressure Most people have had a pressure cuff wrapped around their arm as part of a visit to the doctor. Most often, this is a screening process for hypertension. However, what most people don't know is that low blood pressure can be a problem, too. In certain situations, it can be a very big problem.... Similar Editorial : My High Blood Pressure by Steve Alan. | Source : Viral Eye Infection
Discover The Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure Believe it or not, there are foods that can help lower your blood pressure. While you should continue to take any medications that have been prescribed by your physician for your hypertension, and consult with him before adding anything to your diet, with proper supervision, natural blood pressure l... Similar Editorial : My High Blood Pressure by Steve Alan. | Source : Mental Illness Treatment
How To Introduce Your Puppy To The World Socializing your puppy is an important step in helping him find his place in the world of people and other dogs. A puppy naturally begins socializing within the litter. But once he's removed from the litter, it's vital the socialization process continues in his new environment. ... Similar Editorial : Puppy Love by Wendy Yeager. | Source : Gifts for Pets
Much Talk Less Show At The Pittsburgh Boat Show Last week's much hyped event at Pittsburgh - the Pittsburgh Boat Show finally concluded and contrary to popular anticipations, it was not as big a hit as expected. Firstly, the show was devoid of its promised glamour, adventure and magnificence. The same expo by the same people was more happeni... Similar Editorial : Show Your by ARA Content. | Source : Baseball Training
The Truth Behind Metastatic Lung Cancer Unlike other forms of lung cancer, metastatic lung cancer is the result of a cancer from another part of the body spreading to the lungs. When a malignancy develops in the body (most often in the breasts, colon, prostate, or bladder, though almost all cancers have the ability to spread) it can sometimes spread through the blood stream. When these malignancies settle into the pulmonary tissues,...... Similar Editorial : Lung Cancer by barneygarcia. | Source : Cure for Cancer
Acid Reflux And Cough Your chronic cough may be an acid reflux cough. Talk to your doctor about getting tested to see if this is the case. You cant take care of it if you dont get the facts about acid reflux... Similar Editorial : Acid Reflux And Asthma by Rudy Silva. | Source : Acid Reflux Pg. 10
Dont Leave Me Out When you withhold important information from him, youre taking chances with your health - and your life. Dont leave your doctor out of the loop... Similar Editorial : But You Dont Know Me by Michael.
Travel Light With A Travel Coffee Maker You love your coffee. You have your own personal blend. You love your brewer, and have it set on a timer when you don't forget. But the mornings when you do forget are always hectic, and more often than not, you're in a rush just to get out the door with enough time to swing by the nearest 7-Elev... Similar Editorial : Its all about Coffee Maker by Kenmorris. | Source : Small Coffee Grinder