How To Get A Business Loan In Five Steps. Need funds to startup or expand your business? Follow these steps: A lender looks at a loan request in three sections known as the "three C's". They are: Credit. Did you pay previous lenders back ...... Similar Editorial : Home Business Success Steps by BB Lee. | Source : Stocks
Standup Comedians Its Not Just Jokes Some people might say you are witty. When making a joke your friends seem to laugh. It seems it is something you take pleasure in doing and when people chuckle sometimes it is the ultimate prize. You believe you value comedy, and you should go to the next stage by becoming a professional comed... Similar Editorial : Top Six Printer Jokes by James Kara Murat. | Source : Best Rock Bands
The Benefits Of Coaching, “[Coaching] works and is worth the effort,” said Al Hunt, Benicia, CA. She’s good,” he said about his coach, Linda Lovejoy, , a Relationship Coach. Another of Linda’s clients simply wrote her a poem:My Teacher A small frame A caring voice A light in her eyes A heart of goldShe is my teacher And I was her pupil She opened her book The knowledge...... Similar Editorial : What is Coaching by Kimberly Chastain. | Source : Inspirational Teacher
Creative Income From Your Hobby "Work and Play are words used to describe the same thing under different circumstances." - Mark TwainOur work really should be an outworking of something we enjoy. You have probably thought this many times as you struggle to get up on Monday morning dreading the thought of another week at the office. "If only I could be fishing or shopping or reading or... you fill in the blank. We all have...... Similar Editorial : Business or Hobby by Direct Selling Women's Association. | Source : Collections Coins
Be A Successful Salesperson In Five Steps Want to get your business or career into high gear? Look first at the top line on a profit and loss statement - revenue is the engine that drives all businesses. What's the best way to add value and increase revenue? Needs satisfaction sales techniques.Many people think of sales as a dark art or as something that's practiced by con artists. Done properly, sales is nothing of the sort - it's...... Similar Editorial : Successful Dot by ARA Content. | Source : Online Sale
How To Get A Business Loan In Five Steps A lender looks at a loan request in three sections known as the "three C's". They are:* Credit: Did you pay previous lenders back as contracted? * Capacity: Can you afford to pay back this loan? * Collateral: If you don't pay back the loan from what asset can the lender recover their principal? Step one is:1. Identify your strength and weaknesses in the "3 C's". Do this as would a lender - with a...... Similar Editorial : Home Business Success Steps by BB Lee. | Source : Graduate Student Loans