Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another" bi-weekly newsletter and founder of the website of the same name. Visit to find creative tips, articles, and a free e-cooking book. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive the free e-course "Taming the Monster Grocery Bill".
Lets Fly Our Flag! "The flag stands for all that we hold dear -- freedom, democracy, government of the people, by the people, and for the people." --Henry Cabot Lodge, 1915 No matter what political party one belongs to...... Similar Editorial : Lets Read by Nicole Niemiec. | Source : Family Matters
Frugal And Easy Thanksgiving Recipes Here it is - that time of year when everyone's thoughts turn to food! I'm thankful that at our house, we have plenty of food, but sometimes I am not so grateful that I am the one who usually gets to...... Similar Editorial : Easy Spaghetti Recipes by Rachel Paxton. | Source : Food
Use Up Those Leftovers! Managing leftovers is a challenge we all face! Throwing food away is just like throwing money away. With a little time,organization and using a little ingenuity, leftovers can be dealt with efficient...... Source : Healthy Food Recipes
School Lunches The Frugal Way! It seems that school starts earlier every year. So it's time to start thinking about what to put in those school lunches every morning. My children always wanted to bring their own lunches because ...... Similar Editorial : Your Frugal Fridge by Cyndi Roberts. | Source : Healthy Food Recipes
Frugal Outdoor Cooking Firing up the grill is a great way to cook in the summer! Here are a few grilling tips and a couple of recipes, too. For great grilled burgers, form the patty gently. Smashing the meat forces out...... Similar Editorial : Your Frugal Fridge by Cyndi Roberts. | Source : Healthy Food Recipes
Your Frugal Fridge! Now that it's summer, most of us start thinking about keeping our electric bill in bounds! One way to do that is to keep your refrigerator and freezer, if you have one, running efficiently. B...... Similar Editorial : Frugal Family Vacations by Cheryl Johnson. | Source : Gourmet Food Magazines
Easy, Frugal Breakfasts! We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And that children that eat breakfast do better in school than those who don't. However, we also all know that it isn't always easy to f...... Similar Editorial : EASY No by LeAnn R. Ralph. | Source : Diabetes Food Guide
Growing Your Own Herbs For Tea If you love herbal teas, as I do, you know they are just a little bit pricey. However, growing your own herbs is easy and so much fun! Here are just a few of the herbs you might want to consider for...... Similar Editorial : Dry Your Own Herbs by iwilliam99. | Source : Food Calorie Guide
Family Night On A Budget! When you and your family are on a tight budget, sometimes one of the first things to be cut out is money for entertainment. When our 3 children were small, my husband and I always tried to find fun ...... Similar Editorial : Warm Up the Night by Debbie Rodgers. | Source : Parenting Info
Gardening--Fun And Frugal! Whether you are an avid vegetable gardener, a beginning herb gardener or just like to have a pretty yard, these frugal tips may help you save a little money! 1. Stale coffee and coffee grounds make...... Similar Editorial : Gardening while Exercising by greendave. | Source : Sportsmen Guide
Do You Need An Attitude Adjustment? Do you really want to live better for less? Are youanxious to make your money go further? Do you wantto develop a strategy to help your family live the good life -- on a budget?I am sure you do -- Why else would you be reading thisarticle? And I have good news for you! You can do it! Yes, you can! It's really easier thanyou think. There are families out there, living the good life on a shoestring....... Similar Editorial : Attitude Adjustment 101 by Susan Young. | Source : Women Empowerment
Small Ways To Save Big Bucks Right Now! Here are a few simple ideas that sound small, but willreally help you save big bucks with a minimum of effort.1. Bring your lunch instead of eating out. If you spend $5.00 every day on your lunch and you brown bag it only 3 days a week, you will save $15.00 per week. That's $60.00 per month!2. Do you take a break every morning and afternoon at work and popyour change into a soft-drink machine! Buy...... Similar Editorial : Ways To Save Fuel by Brenda Williams. | Source : Aciphex Rebate
Frugal Menu Planning--Getting Started Getting started making a plan for a week's worth of meals can surely be a bit daunting at first. It need not be complicated--though a little bit of time spent planning will be well worth it!A good way to start is by looking at what you already have on hand -- sort of taking a visual inventory.Next,... Source : Freezer Meals