Craig Nybo is the president of, a company dedicated to improving YOUR quality of life with advanced, highly efficient exercise programs.
Improve Your Workout Results With An Effective Warmup Without a proper warm-up and cool down as part of your workouts, you cannot hope to perform at maximum capacity. A proper warm-up before exercise is necessary for two reasons; one, without proper warm-up exercises, you run the risk of injuring yourself; two, your goal is to perform each exercise... Similar Editorial : Your No Gym Workout by Robert. | Source : Get Defined Abs
Measure Big Time Fat Loss With The Proper Tools A thin, toned body is a lovely thing to look at; but good looks are only one of many benefits offered by a lean physique. We all want to lose weight, to shed that extra layer of fat around the abs and show off the natural, alluring muscle tone beneath. We have become victims of the bathroom scal... Similar Editorial : Measure for Measure by Ed Newman. | Source : Muscle Building Secrets
Do Less Exercise For Mind-blowing Results Every gym has them: die-hards who seem to live, eat, and drink in the free weight room. After a while you recognize their faces. Just how many hours do they spend pumping iron? Such fitness zealots might cause you to second-guess your own routine. If these die-hards workout for, say, four hours ... Similar Editorial : Mind the Gap by Linda LaPointe. | Source : Muscle Building Secrets
Up Your Exercise Intensity For Mind-Blowing Results Millions of people commit many of hours out of their schedules at health clubs working out. The sad fact is, most fitness enthusiasts who regularly visit gyms know little about what makes up an effective workout system. In this article, I want to dispel 90% of the hype and help you understand ex... Similar Editorial : Mind the Gap by Linda LaPointe. | Source : Muscle Building Secrets
Lose Fat From Your Thighs And Hips You can quickly lose fate around your thighs and hips. Losing weight can be difficult, even frustrating. Especially when trying to lose weight around pesky trouble spots like the thighs and hips. It can become maddening to perform hours of exercise in those problem spots and not see results.... Similar Editorial : Lose 1 by Pick_Up_The_Pace. | Source : Herbs Lose Weight
Turn Your Metabolism Into A Weapon To Burn Fat Fast You can use your metabolism as a weight loss tool. Your metabolism breaks down nutrients like proteins and carbohydrates into elements that are used to generate and repair cells. Like an engine, your metabolism requires fuel to run. Metabolic fuel is measured in calories. It's easy to confuse c... Similar Editorial : Your Secret Weapon by Michelle Echevarria. | Source : Herbal Weight Loss Pills
Secrets Of A Toned Tummy You have seen pictures of them; fitness models pulling up their shirts to reveal rock-hard six-packs wrapped with only a paper-thin layer of skin. The truth is, you too, with a little work and time, can have a toned, well-defined stomach. Everyone has a six-pack somewhere beneath the fat. It is ... Similar Editorial : Tummy Tuck by Mark Van Neem. | Source : Easy Weight Loss