owner Bernard Pragides has been in the telecommunication business since 1997. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries on phone cards or international call rates. You may email us at
Phone Cards For International Calls There was a time, before phone cards, when long distance and international calls – even to friends and relatives - required a good amount of preparations. Everyone making international calls had to back-calculate:How much money do I want to spend on this international call?How many minutes does it give me?And what do I need to talk for this many minutes?Sound funny?Yes it does in today’s world,...... Similar Editorial : International Student Phone Cards by bhawkins67. | Source : Video Phones
Identity Theft Monitoring Identity theft monitoring is a mechanism that helps us effectively prevent incidences of identity theft . And identity theft monitoring prevents internet fraud and also helps you protect your personal information.Most often, identity theft occurs whenever the user's personal information is compromised. In fact identity theft usually involves using the victim's personal information to commit...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Identity Theft
Identity Theft Victim |Tips Against Identity Theft If you believe you have been a victim of identity theft, then your first priority will be to act fast, very fast! It only takes a few minutes for somebody with your details to apply for a loan in your name, or to purchase something with your credit cards. The people you should first report to very much depends on the object that you think has been stolen to be used in a case of identity theft. The...... Similar Editorial : How About Identity Theft by Christian Okoye. | Source : Identity Theft
Why Get Identity Theft Protection Service You must be hearing that every year number of identity theft victims has been rising exponentially. There are already millions of identity theft victims so far. With "Nobody is spared" situation, you are as much likely as anybody else. As you can not ignore the possibility of your identity theft, you are left with two ways either to protect your identity yourself or hire professional service...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft Protection by Chuck Masterson. | Source : Identity Theft Fraud
Identity Theft Can Happen To You If you think that identity theft can never happen to you, think again. Just take a look at statistics concerning identity theft, and you can see that the crime of identity theft is closer to you than you may realize.According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), identity theft affects as many as 10 million Americans each year. Nearly 5% of the people living in the US will become an identity...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Identity Theft Fraud
How To Help Minimize Identity Theft In order to avoid the increasing problem of identity theft, you need to be aware of the tell tale signs and take as many measures as possible to reduce this type of fraud. A few helpful points are mentioned below.Remember to check your credit reports on a yearly basis. This not only helps you to keep track of your credit rating but most of all it can be the first indicator of fraudulent activity...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Identity Theft Fraud
Ways On How To Protect Against Identity Theft Are you one of them? The number of people who have fallen victim to online crimes continues to soar as more sophisticated techniques of identity theft are being developed. You may have purchased a single item online once, and then found out that your credit card has been used by unknown people. You may have clicked something or entered your information in a website that you thought was secure, but...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Identity Theft Fraud
Identitiy Theft Issues | Tips Against Identity Theft Today, Identity fraud has become one of the most common thefts of the decade - It has been featured in different kinds of magazines and Television shows. It seems like each year the amount of cases being published increase drastically.In America alone, over 27 million cases are being filed each year and it is still constantly increasing. It is also due to the fact that slowly most of the purchases...... Similar Editorial : TV Signal Theft by News Canada. | Source : Identity Theft Statistics
How Can Identity Theft Destroy A Life? If you have been a victim of identity theft, then you can understand how this crime can seriously ruin your life. If you haven't, then you either have no idea, or only have a faint clue to what it feels like.The consequences of identity theft are very real and are very distressing. It doesn't matter for what purposes your identity has been stolen, serious damage can be caused. If somebody has...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Identity Theft Statistics
Identity Theft And Social Networking Sites Identity theft is becoming a serious problems in all corners of the globe, and with the advancement of technology like the internet, new ways to steal your identity are coming about every day. It is becoming harder and harder to protect yourself from this crime and ensuring your personal data is safe is becoming a constant struggle. You wouldn't want to give your personal details to a complete...... Similar Editorial : Social Networking by Alessandro Pistocchi. | Source : Identity Theft Statistics
Identity Theft Protection Service - Identity Theft Protection Agents Why Insurance Agents Should Offer Identity Theft Protection ServiceStatistics in print, online and other media show that identity theft has become a major topic of discussion over the past few years. In fact, the figures regarding the costs and time involved in identity theft - both for businesses and individuals is almost staggering. With this in mind, a new type of insurance has been established...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Kavita. | Source : Homeowners Insurance
Debit Cards & Identity Theft Over nine million people each year report that they are the victim of some type of identity theft. As criminals continue to find new ways of committing fraud, we must also continue to remain diligent about protecting our personal information.As more and more people use credit cards and debit cards to shop or pay bills, it's getting easier for thieves to steal sensitive information as well as...... Similar Editorial : Popular Prepaid Debit Cards by Sam Donaldson. | Source : Airline Miles Credit Card
Before Subscribing To An Identity Theft Protection Company Are you thinking of subscribing to an Identity Theft Protection company? Given the growing crime rate of identity theft, it is definitely wise to take this particular action in protecting yourself from identity theft. Here's what you should know before subscribing to an Identity Theft Protection company. An Identity Theft Protection company usually offers the following services: 1. Tracking...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft Protection by Chuck Masterson. | Source : Ethics And Business
Credit Freeze And Identity Theft Have you been a victim of identity theft? Do you have concerns that someone may get your credit information without your authorization?Identity theft is worse than anything that you will go through. Months, in some cases years of problems because someone else used your identity to obtain all kinds of things, from clothing to trips around the world. All of this because someone, somewhere easily...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Raise My Credit Score
Prevent Identity Theft With Credit Freeze If you are worried about identity theft one effective way of protecting yourself against identity theft is to opt for a credit freeze. When you freeze your credit, no one can open new credit in your name and access your credit reports until the freeze is lifted.A credit freeze will stop potential identity thieves from obtaining credit in your name since lenders aren't able to verify your credit...... Similar Editorial : Identity Theft by Wayne and Tamara. | Source : Credit Score Excellent
Call To The Philippines Finally, dial the remaining digits.Also, dont forget to greet your Filipino friend using her native lingo. Kumusta, pronounced as cooh-moose-TAH surely will never fail to make her smile... Similar Editorial : Art Of The 21st Century by Quy Le. | Source : How Are Pearls Made
Card Fraud Identity Theft Criminals will drive neighborhoods during tax season searching for tax returns. These are the ultimate sources of information for identity theft... Similar Editorial : Art Of The 21st Century by Quy Le.
How To Call Germany With these in mind, you should be able to call Germany ? and dont bother about how you call, when you call or how much you talkSituated in the centre of Europe, at the border of the Baltic Sea and t...... Similar Editorial : How To Call Germany by Bernard Pragides. | Source : How To Change Phones