Barb Cooper is the mother of Ana (4.5) and Jane (TWO) and this newsletter entitled 'So, the thing is.... She lives in Austin, Texas.
So, The Thing Is... Im Feeling A Little Guilty So, the thing is… I am feeling a little guilty. I know, I know, what’s new? I’m like the travel agent for guilt trips. Right now I’m feeling a little guilty because I am so madly in love with my li...... Source : Heartwarming Stories
So, The Thing Is... We Reap What We Sow So, the thing is… we reap what we sow. A few weeks ago, my daughters and I planted some seeds. It was a fun project to do together because it involved digging in the dirt and talking about how plan...... Source : Help for Parents
Post-Exercise Pulse Measurements Provide Low Estimates It is common practice for exercisers to take their heart rate after a bout of exercise. Whether running a track interval or performing an aerobics routine, this method is frequently used to monitor the intensity of exercise. If you are part of an exercise group, common procedure is t... Similar Editorial : What Are My Post by Michael Waddington. | Source : Fitness Planning
Celebrity Diets: Battle Of The Bulge Goes Hollywood As a society, we look up to celebrities and make them our personal idols. There is always something they have that we want, be it their stylish haircut, flawless skin, sparkling smile, or shapely body. We are always eager to learn about the latest celebrity diets, trainers, and weight loss tips.... Similar Editorial : Celebrity Diets by John Howard. | Source : Low Fat Diet Plan