The Lies We Live By

By: Olabisi(DJ)

How many times have you lied to get your way ?

Many cameras today focus automatically on things both far and near.

You are inclined to be like that. See, almost everything that you view "in focus" that is important, desirable and with some thinking is within your reach.

What are principles ?

A principle is defined as a general or fundamental truth: a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or "assumption" on which others are based or from which others are derived.

Do you think and act on the basics of principles ?

Having a firm grasp of basic principles can help you to understand and apply more specific directives, Futhermore if you do not thoroughly comprehend basic principles.

You might not be able to make sound decisions, as humans we tend to shy away from the effort required to reason on principles. We may prefer the convenience of a "Lie" when we are faced with a decision or a problem.

The anxieties of today's busy life might be distracting you from thinking and acting on the basics of principles.

How many times have you lied to yourself ?

Where does your security lie ?

Where are you going ?

I know sometimes you get so consumed by the daily grind of life that you forget to look at the larger picture.

When you put your lies aside, appraise your present situation and see what you can "Honestly" expect from the future.

You will see that you have been spinning your wheels on a very long insecure detour in an imperfect world of which you have a limited life span.

I want you to consider these ancient words of wisdom since so you do not second guess the value of principles.

"You become what you think"

Be Good.


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