A im for what you want by focusing clearly on priorities. B elieve in yourself and your goals, and then begin to strive for them. C ount your blessings, create opportunities, and commit to faith-driven action. D ream big dreams, design a plan, and dedicate yourself to excellence. E nergize yourself with positive thoughts, and expect daily miracles and victories. F ollow through with faith-driven action, and forgive mistakes of the past. G ive time, energy and extra effort, and give thanks for all that you have and will receive. H old on to your dreams with desire and faith through the long winters of life. I magine yourself as successful, and release thoughts of fear that would limit you. J ourney out of your comfort zone to acquire new knowledge and greater rewards. K eep moving forward little by little, gaining new wisdom and courage each day. I mplement strategies that work, and toss those that don't work. L ove yourself enough to take good care of you so that you'll be able to take care of those you love. M ake room for the most important things first, and move into action when the time is right. N egotiate with others so that everyone wins. O pen the eyes of your spirit, and see the good in others and in life. P ractice the skills needed to propel you to the level of excellence. Q uestion things you may need to remove, and increase energy by living in a stress-free environment. R ecognize favorable circumstances, ride each wave with courage, and rest to renew your energy. S tand firm on your commitment to excellence. T hank God for all blessings, take control of your time, and tackle each problem with integrity. U ncover your talents, unleash your creative spirit, and unite with God's purpose for your life. V isualize your objectives as already achieved, and give thanks for their attainment. W ake up to each new day of adventure, and wash out negative thoughts with positive prayers. X cell by examining your results daily, and making adjustments in your actions as needed. Y ield to your purpose and values, living each day with the faith and knowledge that you were created as a unique and valuable person. Z ero in on your targets, and move toward them with desire, dedication, commitment, and faith. Wishing you many great achievements! Steve Brunkhorst This is my own version of a popular alphabet exercise that can be applied to any topic. Give it a try by writing action words aimed at a specific goal or project you are involved with. It's a great self-motivator and idea generator.
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