Such a thin line between our dreams and the realities of life. Many nights, I would dream of who I want to be and how I should go about it . I feel the excitement when I behold the picture of who I want to be -that big picture.Then suddenly, just as the dawning of the , I soon quickly realise that there are limitations, boundries and hurdles I'll have to cross. Then comes fear and discouragement; the beginning of the end of my dream. No! I will not give up. I look beyond space and time , far beyond my limitations. I will encourage myself. I will go as far as I can. But to why certain things had to be , I will not carry as a thought or bother to my heart, for some questions in this life would continue to remain unanswered.But in the life to come-not that it would matter then, I look forward to knowing why such times had to be. Till then I will keep my dream in focus. My vision will not pass me by.I will achieve it and greater.
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