Among the Purpose & Personality

By: Nilesh Gore

I have one magical thought, lets see it more closely. Every one has purpose of life. Some holds good for self, family, a society, state, nation, religion, world, etc.

Personalities are engaged to realize the purpose by executing definite plans & process.

It is an interesting, amazing accepted norm of society that on several occasions, we neglect & forget the “P R O C E SS " & the “P U R P O S E".

We only remember the personalities and spend time & energy on discussing personalities and how to change our self & other. Except this we must spend our energy & time collectively for a productive purpose.

I like following lines of unknown author who said :

Small minds discuss persons;

Average mind discuss events;

Great minds discuss Ideas.

What you discuss, What and how you think? Among the purpose and personality we must focus on purpose most of the time.

Nilesh Gore

Self Improvement and Motivation

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