Buying a Site in Bangalore City

By: Propertiesmls

It is a dream of many to own a piece of land in this city. However you need to be careful while buying land to avoid falling into legal hassles. Says S Selva Kumar, advocate and consultant with banks, "I reject around 15 to 20 applications for loans out of 30 every day simply because the title of properties referred to me cannot be traced at all"

Today buying a property in Bangalore, that too in the peripheral areas has become a cumbersome exercise. To begin with, the planning authority in Bangalore works on a three-circle approach. The innermost circle falls under the jurisdiction of the Bangalore City Corporation (BCC) where the corporation is the relevant authority to permit construction of buildings except high-rise buildings for which the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) is the sanctioning authority. Then there are the seven City Municipal Councils (CMCs) and a Town Municipal Council (TMC) that control the intermediate circle. However it is overseen by the BDA. The outermost circle comprising Bangalore rural districts is controlled by the Bangalore Metropolitan and Rural Development Authority (BMRDA)

The different categories of sites fall under the BDA, BCC, housing cooperative societies, CMCs private layouts, Grama Thana and revenue land,

BDA Sites

These are site from land acquired by the BDA through a legal process and allotted to applicants. Legally these sites are the best and have all the relevant documents. For bankers to finance the property they need not trace the property beyond acquisition by the BDA.

BCC Sites

Generally owned by individuals through inheritance partition, gift etc, these are sites in the jurisdiction of the BCC. You will find very few vacant sites in this category.

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