Keep Getting Paid Over And Over For Every Sale You Make!

By: Adam Buhler

If we could all have one wish granted chances are most of us would wish for a huge flood of sales. That is the point right? We're all in the game to make (at the very least) a little extra pocket money.

There's only one problem. Sales don't come easy. Unless you receive hundreds, or even thousands of visitors to your website each and every day you end up struggling just to break even.

This is especially true for 'newbies' who are just learning what it takes to be successful online. Most don't have the benefits of a huge opt-in mailing list to promote to, or hundreds of dollars to invest in getting set up, heck, some don't even have a website to send visitors to!

Chances are, if you fall into any of these categories your 'driving yourself insane' and spending long sleepless (unproductive) nights searching for that 'magic bullet' that will open the floodgates and secure you a spot on easy street.

Unfortunately it's not that easy.

On the other hand, it's not extremely difficult either. It's a proven fact that most (around 98%) of affiliates who receive a check never make any serious money. A check here and there, usually the bare minimum payout.

So they continue the struggle. Night after night, day after day, week after week, etc.. Swapping ads, posting to ffa pages, and writing articles, desperately seeking another 'one hit wonder'.

There's a better way. Instead of drudging along, a sale here and there, concentrate your efforts on products and programs that pay you over and over again for the initial sale.

This is called recurring or 'passive' income.

Imagine making a sale for a $30 product. Now let's say you make a generous 50% commission for each sale of this product. That's a modest $15. Now instead of the one time $15, let's pretend you are selling a product that pays recurring (passive) commissions.

You will automatically make that same $15 at the beginning of each month! So instead of starting from square one each month you can calculate exactly how much 'start up income' you stand to earn at the beginning of the month. For as long as your visitor remains a customer.

Will you eventually lose some of these customers? Yes, but in the meantime you'll be setting up more 'passive' income for the next month.

This begins what I like to call a 'snowball effect' and your income can add up FAST.

You'll find a good deal of programs that offer 'passive' income so sticking with your targeted niche is usually not a problem. A few examples of programs that offer ongoing commissions are web hosting, autoresponders, Isp services, membership sites, email accounts, etc..

By achieving just a handful of sales each month with a program that offers ongoing commissions you can stand to make hundreds of dollars off of what began as a single sale.

Good luck, now go out and start building those snowballs.

Online Business

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