The Importance Of Insurance When You Build A House

By: Gerald Mason

It does not take much of an injury nowadays to be worth a lawsuit of $10,000 and a really serious injury can well cost an owner $100,000 or more.

The cost of insurance is a small drop in the ocean compared to this.

Juries are inclined to be very sympathetic toward an accident victim and to be rather liberal with the money of the insurance companies. As they are not allowed to be told whether you are insured or not, they assume that you are carrying insurance. Be safe and carry the necessary legal protection.

In some places a department of the state handles all the workmen's compensation insurance; in others, private insurance companies may operate in the compensation field.

Find out and be legally protected against all lawsuits arising from accidents or incidents of your building operations.

The cost of compensation insurance for the entire job probably wouldn't be more than $40 or $50, and it doesn't pay to take a chance.

Contractors and sub-contractors are supposed to carry their own compensation insurance, but it is well to inquire into it before you let them start to work, as you are liable for anything that happens on your job.

If they do not carry the proper insurance, then you should carry it, or not hire them; find someone who is properly insured.

Building Permit

Most cities and many counties require that you get a permit before you start building.

You will furnish the licensing agency two complete copies of the plans and specifications, when you apply for the permit.

The permit is not difficult to get if your plans are complete and meet certain minimum requirements.

Before you complete your plans, you should secure from the building department a little booklet or a folder of typewritten sheets giving the building requirements in your district.

Then you can draw your plans so that they give the necessary information.

The usual requirements include:

Floor plan showing all dimensions, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, window and door sizes, and the use of each room.
Foundation plan showing size of foundation and footings.

Roof plan showing hips, valleys, and slope of roof, and the kind of roofing material.

At least two elevations, the front and one end. Cross section showing how to house is to be built.

Plot plan showing how far the house is to be from the street, the distance from the lot lines on the sides, the sewer lines, the septic tank in case there is no sewer, where the water pipe comes in, where the gas meter is located, and where the electric service enters the building.

If you have a little time but not much money, then you will have to build the house instead of paying someone else to do it.

It is a good idea to use a mortgage calculator when you use a mortgage to buy your house.

A percentage point does not look much but it is surprising how it can make a big difference to your total outlay over 25 years.

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