Imagine your dream Christmas in your dream home -that is, in your newly-bought dream home. Amazingly, there is still lots of time to realize this perfect gift to yourself and your family. And what a perfect time to move, with the whole family ready to slot into their new life promptly at the beginning of the New Year!
The logistics of moving at this time of year are so much easier than in the spring, because you can more or less call the shots due to the lack of demand for services. This also means you could hope for a more obliging service for your money, especially with Christmas spirit abounding!
This Christmas spirit can also be used to coerce your family into helping. After all, what can be more exhilarating than Christmas is a new location? Whether you are moving from snow to sunshine, from farm to ocean, from the hustle and bustle to tranquility, or simply from smaller to bigger - it is always exciting to anticipate a lifestyle change.
Just think of the enthusiastic energy spilling out of the children. It will be all hands on deck to ensure that Christmas (and their presents) will not be jeopardized in any way by moving. What a wonderful excuse for you to transform their energy into ...packing boxes! Well, come on now, you will have to dig around looking for those Christmas decorations anyway, may as well have a sort out at the same time. The Christmas tree can be first on the list for unpacking in the brand new home.
And what a great chance to sneak in a 'family present' because the time for gift shopping will be at a premium. It could be a set of family bikes to explore your new surroundings, or how about that wide screen television you keep promising yourself (Dad)!
Yes, this is certainly the time of year when you will have premium attention and your pick of serious sellers. You can sit back in the spring and plan your new garden while others are battling it out in the property rush. Opt out of the Christmas frenzy by sidetracking your focus onto finding the perfect home for your dream Christmas. There is still plenty of time to choose your new home, to move into your new home, and to argue about how to hang the lights in your new home, but only if you act now!